Source code for neuronunit.capabilities.spike_functions

"""Auxiliary helper functions for analysis of spiking."""

import numpy as np
import neo
from elephant.spike_train_generation import threshold_detection
from quantities import mV, ms
from numba import jit
import sciunit
import math

[docs]def get_spike_train(vm, threshold=0.0*mV): """ Inputs: vm: a neo.core.AnalogSignal corresponding to a membrane potential trace. threshold: the value (in mV) above which vm has to cross for there to be a spike. Scalar float. Returns: a neo.core.SpikeTrain containing the times of spikes. """ spike_train = threshold_detection(vm, threshold=threshold) return spike_train
[docs]def get_spike_waveforms(vm, threshold=0.0*mV, width=10*ms): """ Membrane potential trace (1D numpy array) to matrix of spike snippets (2D numpy array) Inputs: vm: a neo.core.AnalogSignal corresponding to a membrane potential trace. threshold: the value (in mV) above which vm has to cross for there to be a spike. Scalar float. width: the length (in ms) of the snippet extracted, centered at the spike peak. Returns: a neo.core.AnalogSignal where each column contains a membrane potential snippets corresponding to one spike. """ spike_train = threshold_detection(vm, threshold=threshold) # Fix for 0-length spike train issue in elephant. try: assert len(spike_train) != 0 except TypeError: spike_train = neo.core.SpikeTrain([], t_start=spike_train.t_start, t_stop=spike_train.t_stop, units=spike_train.units) too_short = True too_long = True # This code checks that you are not asking for a window into an array, # with out of bounds indicies. t = spike_train[0] if t-width/2.0 > 0.0*ms: too_short = False t = spike_train[-1] if t+width/2.0 < vm.times[-1]: too_long = False if not too_short and not too_long: snippets = [vm.time_slice(t-width/2, t+width/2) for t in spike_train] elif too_long: snippets = [vm.time_slice(t-width/2, t) for t in spike_train] elif too_short: snippets = [vm.time_slice(t, t+width/2) for t in spike_train] result = neo.core.AnalogSignal(np.array(snippets).T.squeeze(), units=vm.units, sampling_rate=vm.sampling_rate) return result
[docs]def spikes2amplitudes(spike_waveforms): """ IN: spike_waveforms: Spike waveforms, e.g. from get_spike_waveforms(). neo.core.AnalogSignal OUT: 1D numpy array of spike amplitudes, i.e. the maxima in each waveform. """ n_spikes = spike_waveforms.shape[1] ampls = np.array([spike_waveforms[:, i].max() for i in range(n_spikes)]) if n_spikes: # Add units. ampls = ampls * spike_waveforms[:, 0].units return ampls
[docs]def spikes2widths(spike_waveforms): """ IN: spike_waveforms: Spike waveforms, e.g. from get_spike_waveforms(). neo.core.AnalogSignal OUT: 1D numpy array of spike widths, specifically the full width at half the maximum amplitude. """ n_spikes = spike_waveforms.shape[1] widths = [] for i in range(n_spikes): s = spike_waveforms[:, i].squeeze() try: x_high = int(np.argmax(s)) high = s[x_high] except: high = 0 for k in s: for i, j in enumerate(k): if j > high: high = j x_high = i if x_high > 0: try: # Use threshold to compute half-max. y = np.array(s) dvdt = np.diff(y) trigger = dvdt.max()/10 x_loc = int(np.where(dvdt >= trigger)[0][0]) thresh = (s[x_loc]+s[x_loc+1])/2 mid = (high+thresh)/2 except: # Use minimum value to compute half-max. sciunit.log(("Could not compute threshold; using pre-spike " "minimum to compute width")) low = np.min(s[:x_high]) mid = (high+low)/2 n_samples = sum(s > mid) # Number of samples above the half-max. widths.append(n_samples) widths = np.array(widths, dtype='float') if n_spikes: # Convert from samples to time. widths = widths*spike_waveforms.sampling_period return widths
[docs]def spikes2thresholds(spike_waveforms): """ IN: spike_waveforms: Spike waveforms, e.g. from get_spike_waveforms(). neo.core.AnalogSignal OUT: 1D numpy array of spike thresholds, specifically the membrane potential at which 1/10 the maximum slope is reached. If the derivative contains NaNs, probably because vm contains NaNs Return an empty list with the appropriate units """ n_spikes = spike_waveforms.shape[1] thresholds = [] for i in range(n_spikes): s = spike_waveforms[:, i].squeeze() s = np.array(s) dvdt = np.diff(s) for j in dvdt: if math.isnan(j): return thresholds * spike_waveforms.units trigger = dvdt.max()/10 x_loc = np.where(dvdt >= trigger)[0][0] thresh = (s[x_loc]+s[x_loc+1])/2 thresholds.append(thresh) return thresholds * spike_waveforms.units