Source code for neuronunit.capabilities

"""NeuronUnit abstract Capabilities.

The goal is to enumerate all possible capabilities of a model that would be
tested using NeuronUnit. These capabilities exchange 'neo' objects.

import numpy as np
import quantities as pq
import sciunit
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from .spike_functions import spikes2amplitudes, spikes2widths,\

[docs]class ProducesMembranePotential(sciunit.Capability): """Indicates that the model produces a somatic membrane potential."""
[docs] def get_membrane_potential(self, **kwargs): """Must return a neo.core.AnalogSignal.""" raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def get_mean_vm(self, **kwargs): """Get the mean membrane potential.""" vm = self.get_membrane_potential(**kwargs) return np.mean(vm.base)
[docs] def get_median_vm(self, **kwargs): """Get the median membrane potential.""" vm = self.get_membrane_potential(**kwargs) return np.median(vm.base)
[docs] def get_std_vm(self, **kwargs): """Get the standard deviation of the membrane potential.""" vm = self.get_membrane_potential(**kwargs) return np.std(vm.base)
[docs] def get_iqr_vm(self, **kwargs): """Get the inter-quartile range of the membrane potential.""" vm = self.get_membrane_potential(**kwargs) return (np.percentile(vm, 75) - np.percentile(vm, 25))*vm.units
[docs] def get_initial_vm(self, **kwargs): """Return a quantity corresponding to the starting membrane potential. This will in some cases be the resting potential. """ vm = self.get_membrane_potential(**kwargs) return vm[0] # A neo.core.AnalogSignal object
[docs] def plot_membrane_potential(self, ax=None, ylim=(None, None), **kwargs): """Plot the membrane potential.""" vm = self.get_membrane_potential(**kwargs) if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() vm = vm.rescale('mV') ax.plot(vm.times, vm) y_min = float(vm.min()-5.0*pq.mV) if ylim[0] is None else ylim[0] y_max = float(vm.max()+5.0*pq.mV) if ylim[1] is None else ylim[1] ax.set_xlim(vm.times.min(), vm.times.max()) ax.set_ylim(y_min, y_max) ax.set_xlabel('Time (s)') ax.set_ylabel('Vm (mV)')
[docs]class ProducesSpikes(sciunit.Capability): """Indicate that the model produces spikes. No duration is required for these spikes. """
[docs] def get_spike_train(self): """Get computed spike times from the model. Arguments: None. Returns: a neo.core.SpikeTrain object. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def get_spike_count(self): """Get the number of spikes.""" spike_train = self.get_spike_train() return len(spike_train)
[docs]class ProducesActionPotentials(ProducesSpikes, ProducesMembranePotential): """Indicate the model produces action potential waveforms. Waveforms must have a temporal extent. """
[docs] def get_APs(self): """Get action potential waveform chunks from the model. Returns ------- Must return a neo.core.AnalogSignal. Each column of the AnalogSignal should be a spike waveform. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def get_AP_widths(self): """Get widths of action potentials.""" action_potentials = self.get_APs() widths = spikes2widths(action_potentials) return widths
[docs] def get_AP_amplitudes(self): """Get amplitudes of action potentials.""" action_potentials = self.get_APs() amplitudes = spikes2amplitudes(action_potentials) return amplitudes
[docs] def get_AP_thresholds(self): """Get thresholds of action potentials.""" action_potentials = self.get_APs() thresholds = spikes2thresholds(action_potentials) return thresholds
[docs]class ReceivesSquareCurrent(sciunit.Capability): """Indicate that somatic current can be injected into the model as a square pulse. """
[docs] def inject_square_current(self, current): """Injects somatic current into the model. Parameters ---------- current : a dictionary like: {'amplitude':-10.0*pq.pA, 'delay':100*, 'duration':500*}} where 'pq' is the quantities package This describes the current to be injected. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs]class ReceivesCurrent(ReceivesSquareCurrent): """Indicate that somatic current can be injected into the model as either an arbitrary waveform or as a square pulse. """
[docs] def inject_current(self, current): """Inject somatic current into the model. Parameters ---------- current : neo.core.AnalogSignal This is a time series of the current to be injected. """ raise NotImplementedError()