Source code for neuronunit.optimization.optimization_management

import numpy as np
import dask.bag as db
import pandas as pd
from neuronunit import tests
from neuronunit.models.reduced import ReducedModel
from neuronunit.optimization.model_parameters import model_params, path_params
import numpy
from neuronunit.optimization import model_parameters as modelp
from itertools import repeat

import copy
import math

import quantities as pq
import numpy as np
from pyneuroml import pynml

from deap import base
from neuronunit.optimization.data_transport_container import DataTC

import os
import pickle
from itertools import repeat
import neuronunit
import multiprocessing
npartitions = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
from collections import Iterable
from numba import jit
from sklearn.model_selection import ParameterGrid
from itertools import repeat
from collections import OrderedDict

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger('__main__')

from import RheobaseTestP# as discovery
from import RheobaseTest# as discovery

import dask.bag as db
# The rheobase has been obtained seperately and cannot be db mapped.
# Nested DB mappings dont work.
from itertools import repeat
# DEAP mutation strategies:
[docs]class WSListIndividual(list): """Individual consisting of list with weighted sum field""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Constructor""" self.rheobase = None super(WSListIndividual, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]class WSFloatIndividual(float): """Individual consisting of list with weighted sum field""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Constructor""" self.rheobase = None super(WSFloatIndividual, self).__init__()
[docs]def mint_generic_model(backend): LEMS_MODEL_PATH = path_params['model_path'] return ReducedModel(LEMS_MODEL_PATH,name = str('vanilla'),backend = str(backend))
[docs]@jit def write_opt_to_nml(path,param_dict): ''' Write optimimal simulation parameters back to NeuroML. ''' orig_lems_file_path = path_params['model_path'] more_attributes = pynml.read_lems_file(orig_lems_file_path, include_includes=True, debug=False) for i in more_attributes.components: new = {} if str('izhikevich2007Cell') in i.type: for k,v in i.parameters.items(): units = v.split() if len(units) == 2: units = units[1] else: units = 'mV' new[k] = str(param_dict[k]) + str(' ') + str(units) i.parameters = new fopen = open(path+'.nml','w') more_attributes.export_to_file(fopen) fopen.close() return
[docs]def bridge_judge(test_and_models): # Temporarily patch sciunit judge code, which seems to be broken. # # (test, dtc) = test_and_models obs = test.observation backend_ = dtc.backend model = mint_generic_model(backend_) model.set_attrs(**dtc.attrs) pred = test.generate_prediction(model) if pred is not None: if hasattr(dtc,'prediction'):# is not None: dtc.prediction[test] = pred dtc.observation[test] = test.observation['mean'] else: dtc.prediction = None dtc.observation = None dtc.prediction = {} dtc.prediction[test] = pred dtc.observation = {} dtc.observation[test] = test.observation['mean'] #dtc.prediction = pred score = test.compute_score(obs,pred) if not hasattr(dtc,'agreement'): dtc.agreement = None dtc.agreement = {} try: dtc.agreement[str(test)] = np.abs(test.observation['mean'] - pred['mean']) except: try: dtc.agreement[str(test)] = np.abs(test.observation['value'] - pred['value']) except: try: dtc.agreement[str(test)] = np.abs(test.observation['mean'] - pred['value']) except: pass #print(score.norm_score) else: score = None return score, dtc
[docs]def get_rh(dtc,rtest): place_holder = {} place_holder['n'] = 86 place_holder['mean'] = 10*pq.pA place_holder['std'] = 10*pq.pA place_holder['value'] = 10*pq.pA rtest = RheobaseTestP(observation=place_holder,name='a Rheobase test') dtc.rheobase = None backend_ = dtc.backend model = mint_generic_model(backend_) model.set_attrs(**dtc.attrs) #model = mint_generic_model() dtc.rheobase = rtest.generate_prediction(model)#['value'] if dtc.rheobase is None: dtc.rheobase = - 1.0 return dtc
[docs]def dtc_to_rheo(dtc): # If test taking data, and objects are present (observations etc). # Take the rheobase test and store it in the data transport container. dtc.scores = {} dtc.score = {} backend_ = dtc.backend model = mint_generic_model(backend_) model.set_attrs(**dtc.attrs) rtest = [ t for t in dtc.tests if str('RheobaseTestP') == ] if len(rtest): rtest = rtest[0] dtc.rheobase = rtest.generate_prediction(model) #print(dtc.rheobase) if dtc.rheobase is not None and dtc.rheobase !=-1.0: dtc.rheobase = dtc.rheobase['value'] obs = rtest.observation score = rtest.compute_score(obs,dtc.rheobase) dtc.scores[str('RheobaseTestP')] = 1.0 - score.norm_score if dtc.score is not None: dtc = score_proc(dtc,rtest,copy.copy(score)) rtest.params['injected_square_current']['amplitude'] = dtc.rheobase else: dtc.rheobase = - 1.0 dtc.scores[str('RheobaseTestP')] = 1.0 else: # otherwise, if no observation is available, or if rheobase test score is not desired. # Just generate rheobase predictions, giving the models the freedom of rheobase # discovery without test taking. dtc = get_rh(dtc,rtest) return dtc
[docs]def score_proc(dtc,t,score): dtc.score[str(t)] = {} #print(score.keys()) if hasattr(score,'norm_score'): dtc.score[str(t)]['value'] = copy.copy(score.norm_score) if hasattr(score,'prediction'): if type(score.prediction) is not type(None): dtc.score[str(t)][str('prediction')] = score.prediction dtc.score[str(t)][str('observation')] = score.observation boolean_means = bool('mean' in score.observation.keys() and 'mean' in score.prediction.keys()) boolean_value = bool('value' in score.observation.keys() and 'value' in score.prediction.keys()) if boolean_means: dtc.score[str(t)][str('agreement')] = np.abs(score.observation['mean'] - score.prediction['mean']) if boolean_value: dtc.score[str(t)][str('agreement')] = np.abs(score.observation['value'] - score.prediction['value']) dtc.agreement = dtc.score return dtc
[docs]def switch_logic(tests): # move this logic into sciunit tests for t in tests: t.passive = None = None active = False passive = False if str('RheobaseTest') == active = True passive = False elif str('RheobaseTestP') == active = True passive = False elif str('InjectedCurrentAPWidthTest') == active = True passive = False elif str('InjectedCurrentAPAmplitudeTest') == active = True passive = False elif str('InjectedCurrentAPThresholdTest') == active = True passive = False elif str('RestingPotentialTest') == passive = True active = False elif str('InputResistanceTest') == passive = True active = False elif str('TimeConstantTest') == passive = True active = False elif str('CapacitanceTest') == passive = True active = False t.passive = passive = active return tests
[docs]def active_values(keyed,rheobase): DURATION = 1000.0* DELAY = 100.0* keyed['injected_square_current'] = {} keyed['injected_square_current']['delay']= DELAY keyed['injected_square_current']['duration'] = DURATION if type(rheobase) is type({str('k'):str('v')}): keyed['injected_square_current']['amplitude'] = float(rheobase['value'])*pq.pA else: keyed['injected_square_current']['amplitude'] = rheobase return keyed
[docs]def passive_values(keyed): DURATION = 500.0* DELAY = 200.0* keyed['injected_square_current'] = {} keyed['injected_square_current']['delay']= DELAY keyed['injected_square_current']['duration'] = DURATION keyed['injected_square_current']['amplitude'] = -10*pq.pA return keyed
[docs]def format_test(dtc): #pre format the current injection dictionary based on pre computed #rheobase values of current injection. #This is much like the hooked method from the old get neab file. dtc.vtest = {} dtc.tests = switch_logic(dtc.tests) for k,v in enumerate(dtc.tests): dtc.vtest[k] = {} if v.passive == False and == True: keyed = dtc.vtest[k] dtc.vtest[k] = active_values(keyed,dtc.rheobase) elif v.passive == True and == False: keyed = dtc.vtest[k] dtc.vtest[k] = passive_values(keyed) return dtc
[docs]def allocate_worst(dtc,tests): # If the model fails tests, and cannot produce model driven data # Allocate the worst score available. for t in tests: dtc.scores[str(t)] = 1.0 dtc.score[str(t)] = 1.0 return dtc
[docs]def nunit_evaluation_df(dtc): # Inputs single data transport container modules, and neuroelectro observations that # inform test error error_criterion # Outputs Neuron Unit evaluation scores over error criterion # same method as below but with data frame. tests = dtc.tests dtc = copy.copy(dtc) dtc.model_path = path_params['model_path'] LEMS_MODEL_PATH = path_params['model_path'] df = pd.DataFrame(index=list(tests),columns=['observation','prediction','disagreement'])#,columns=list(reduced_cells.keys())) if dtc.rheobase == -1.0 or type(dtc.rheobase) is type(None): dtc = allocate_worst(tests,dtc) else: for k,t in enumerate(tests): if str('RheobaseTest') != and str('RheobaseTestP') != t.params = dtc.vtest[k] score, dtc= bridge_judge((t,dtc)) if score is not None: if score.norm_score is not None: dtc.scores[str(t)] = 1.0 - score.norm_score df.iloc[k]['observation'] = t.observation['mean'] try: agreement = np.abs(t.observation['mean'] - pred['value']) df.iloc[k]['prediction'] = pred['value'] df.iloc[k]['disagreement'] = agreement except: agreement = np.abs(t.observation['mean'] - pred['mean']) df.iloc[k]['prediction'] = pred['mean'] df.iloc[k]['disagreement'] = agreement else: print('gets to None score type') # compute the sum of sciunit score components. dtc.summed = dtc.get_ss() dtc.df = df return dtc
[docs]def nunit_evaluation(dtc): # Inputs single data transport container modules, and neuroelectro observations that # inform test error error_criterion # Outputs Neuron Unit evaluation scores over error criterion tests = dtc.tests dtc = copy.copy(dtc) dtc.model_path = path_params['model_path'] LEMS_MODEL_PATH = path_params['model_path'] #df = pd.DataFrame(index=list(tests),columns=['observation','prediction','disagreement'])#,columns=list(reduced_cells.keys())) if dtc.rheobase == -1.0 or type(dtc.rheobase) is type(None): dtc = allocate_worst(tests,dtc) else: for k,t in enumerate(tests): if str('RheobaseTest') != and str('RheobaseTestP') != t.params = dtc.vtest[k] score, dtc= bridge_judge((t,dtc)) if score is not None: if score.norm_score is not None: dtc.scores[str(t)] = 1.0 - score.norm_score else: print('gets to None score type') # compute the sum of sciunit score components. dtc.summed = dtc.get_ss() #dtc.df = df return dtc
[docs]def evaluate(dtc): error_length = len(dtc.scores.keys()) # assign worst case errors, and then over write them with situation informed errors as they become available. fitness = [ 1.0 for i in range(0,error_length) ] for k,t in enumerate(dtc.scores.keys()): fitness[k] = dtc.scores[str(t)] return tuple(fitness,)
[docs]def get_trans_list(param_dict): trans_list = [] for i,k in enumerate(list(param_dict.keys())): trans_list.append(k) return trans_list
[docs]def transform(xargs): (ind,td,backend) = xargs dtc = DataTC() LEMS_MODEL_PATH = str(neuronunit.__path__[0])+str('/models/NeuroML2/LEMS_2007One.xml') dtc.attrs = {} for i,j in enumerate(ind): dtc.attrs[str(td[i])] = j dtc.evaluated = False return dtc
[docs]def add_constant(hold_constant, pop, td): hold_constant = OrderedDict(hold_constant) for k in hold_constant.keys(): td.append(k) for p in pop: for v in hold_constant.values(): p.append(v) return pop,td
[docs]def update_dtc_pop(pop, td): ''' inputs a population of genes/alleles, the population size MU, and an optional argument of a rheobase value guess outputs a population of genes/alleles, a population of individual object shells, ie a pickleable container for gene attributes. Rationale, not every gene value will result in a model for which rheobase is found, in which case that gene is discarded, however to compensate for losses in gene population size, more gene samples must be tested for a successful return from a rheobase search. If the tests return are successful these new sampled individuals are appended to the population, and then their attributes are mapped onto corresponding virtual model objects. ''' if pop[0].backend is not None: _backend = pop[0].backend if isinstance(pop, Iterable):# and type(pop[0]) is not type(str('')): xargs = zip(pop,repeat(td),repeat(_backend)) npart = np.min([multiprocessing.cpu_count(),len(pop)]) bag = db.from_sequence(xargs, npartitions = npart) dtcpop = list( assert len(dtcpop) == len(pop) else: for p in pop: = td p.backend = str(_backend) # above replaces need for this line: xargs = (pop,td,repeat(backend)) # In this case pop is not really a population but an individual # but parsimony of naming variables # suggests not to change the variable name to reflect this. dtcpop = [ transform(xargs) ] assert exec('dtcpop[0].backend is '+str(_backend)+')') return dtcpop
[docs]def run_ga(explore_edges, max_ngen, test, free_params = None, hc = None, NSGA = None, MU = None, seed_pop = None, model_type = str('RAW')): from bluepyopt.deapext.optimisations import SciUnitOptimization # Inputs: # - MODEL_PARAMS, is a dictionary of model parameter ranges (the boundaries that define regions where parameters are free to vary). # You may not want all the parameters to be allowed to vary, so the optinal key word argument: free_params # specifies the free_parameters, and every parameter not in that list is held constant. # - free_params is type dictionary it takes a list of the dictionary keys for the parameters that are free to vary. # - MU type int is the population size and # - NGEN type int, is the number of generations to evaluate. # MU*NGEN = total maximum number of models that could be evaluated, although DEAP is smart and # doesn't necessarily evaluate every model in MU*NGEN # - NSGA, type Boolean tells the optimizer to use the Pareto Front based approach (alternative is select Best). # - string Model_type tells the Optimizer what simulator backend model combinartion to use. # - DEAP population type list seed_pop pertains to starting the GA, with an informed guess of where to look. # For example if you did a coarse grained grid search first, and want the first genes to look in the location # of the coarse grained optima first. # - use_test is a list of NU tests (a NeuronUnit tests suite), or a singular test. # Outputs: # - ga_out a dictionary of GA optimization results # - stats, # - and the pareto-front the paretofront (key 'pf') ss = {} for k in free_params: ss[k] = explore_edges[k] if type(MU) == type(None): MU = 2**len(list(free_params)) # make sure that the gene population size is divisible by 4. if NSGA == True: selection = str('selNSGA') else: selection = str('selIBEA') max_ngen = int(np.floor(max_ngen)) DO = SciUnitOptimization(offspring_size = MU, error_criterion = test, boundary_dict = ss, backend = model_type, hc = hc,selection = selection, seed_pop= seed_pop)#, selection = selection, boundary_dict = ss, elite_size = 2, hc=hc) if seed_pop is not None: # This is a re-run condition. DO.setnparams(nparams = len(free_params), boundary_dict = ss) DO.seed_pop = seed_pop DO.setup_deap() # This run condition should not need same arguments as above. ga_out = = max_ngen)#offspring_size = MU, ) return ga_out, DO
[docs]def init_pop(pop, td, tests): from neuronunit.optimization.exhaustive_search import update_dtc_grid dtcpop = list(update_dtc_pop(pop, td)) for d in dtcpop: d.tests = tests if hasattr(pop[0],'backend'): d.backend = pop[0].backend if hasattr(pop[0],'hc'): constant = pop[0].hc for d in dtcpop: if constant is not None: if len(constant): d.constants = constant d.add_constant() return pop, dtcpop
[docs]def obtain_rheobase(pop, td, tests): ''' Calculate rheobase for a given population pop Ordered parameter dictionary td and rheobase test rt ''' pop, dtcpop = init_pop(pop, td, tests) dtcpop = list(map(dtc_to_rheo,dtcpop)) for ind,d in zip(pop,dtcpop): if type(d.rheobase) is not type(1.0): ind.rheobase = d.rheobase d.rheobase = d.rheobase else: ind.rheobase = -1.0 d.rheobase = -1.0 return pop, dtcpop
[docs]def new_genes(pop,dtcpop,td): ''' some times genes explored will not return un-usable simulation parameters genes who have no rheobase score will be discarded. BluePyOpt needs a stable gene number however This method finds how many genes have been discarded, and tries to build new genes from the existing distribution of gene values, by mimicing a normal random distribution of genes that are not deleted. if a rheobase value cannot be found for a given set of dtc model more_attributes delete that model, or rather, filter it out above, and make new genes based on the statistics of remaining genes. it's possible that they wont be good models either, so keep trying in that event. a new model from the mean of the pre-existing model attributes. ''' impute_gene = [] # impute individual, not impute index ind = WSListIndividual() for t in td: mean = np.mean([ d.attrs[t] for d in dtcpop ]) std = np.std([ d.attrs[t] for d in dtcpop ]) sample = numpy.random.normal(loc=mean, scale=2*std, size=1)[0] ind.append(sample) dtc = DataTC() LEMS_MODEL_PATH = str(neuronunit.__path__[0])+str('/models/NeuroML2/LEMS_2007One.xml') dtc.attrs = {} for i,j in enumerate(ind): dtc.attrs[str(td[i])] = j dtc.backend = dtcpop[0].backend dtc.tests = dtcpop[0].tests dtc = dtc_to_rheo(dtc) ind.rheobase = dtc.rheobase return ind,dtc
[docs]def serial_route(pop,td,tests): ''' parallel list mapping only works with an iterable collection. Serial route is intended for single items. ''' if type(dtc.rheobase) is type(None): print('Error Score bad model') for t in tests: dtc.scores = {} dtc.get_ss() else: dtc = format_test((dtc,tests)) dtc = nunit_evaluation((dtc,tests)) return pop, dtc
[docs]def filtered(pop,dtcpop): dtcpop = [ dtc for dtc in dtcpop if dtc.rheobase!=-1.0 ] pop = [ p for p in pop if p.rheobase!=-1.0 ] dtcpop = [ dtc for dtc in dtcpop if dtc.rheobase is not None ] pop = [ p for p in pop if p.rheobase is not None ] assert len(pop) == len(dtcpop) return (pop,dtcpop)
[docs]def parallel_route(pop,dtcpop,tests,td): for d in dtcpop: d.tests = copy.copy(tests) dtcpop = list(map(format_test,dtcpop)) #import pdb; pdb.set_trace() npart = np.min([multiprocessing.cpu_count(),len(dtcpop)]) dtcbag = db.from_sequence(dtcpop, npartitions = npart) dtcpop = list( for i,d in enumerate(dtcpop): if not hasattr(pop[i],'dtc'): pop[i] = WSListIndividual(pop[i]) pop[i].dtc = None d.get_ss() pop[i].dtc = copy.copy(d) invalid_dtc_not = [ i for i in pop if not hasattr(i,'dtc') ] return pop, dtcpop
[docs]def make_up_lost(pop,dtcpop,td): before = len(pop) (pop,dtcpop) = filtered(pop,dtcpop) after = len(pop) assert after>0 delta = before-after if delta: cnt = 0 while cnt < delta: ind,dtc = new_genes(pop,dtcpop,td) if dtc.rheobase != -1.0: pop.append(ind) dtcpop.append(dtc) cnt += 1 return pop, dtcpop
import dask.bag as db
[docs]def test_runner(pop,td,tests,single_spike=True): if single_spike: pop, dtcpop = obtain_rheobase(pop, td, tests) pop, dtcpop = make_up_lost(pop,dtcpop,td) # there are many models, which have no actual rheobase current injection value. # filter, filters out such models, # gew genes, add genes to make up for missing values. # delta is the number of genes to replace. else: pop, dtcpop = init_pop(pop, td, tests) pop,dtcpop = parallel_route(pop,dtcpop,tests,td) for ind,d in zip(pop,dtcpop): ind.dtc = d if not hasattr(ind,'fitness'): = copy.copy(pop[0].fitness) return pop,dtcpop
[docs]def update_deap_pop(pop, tests, td, backend = None,hc = None): ''' Inputs a population of genes (pop). Returned neuronunit scored DataTransportContainers (dtcpop). This method converts a population of genes to a population of Data Transport Containers, Which act as communicatable data types for storing model attributes. Rheobase values are found on the DTCs DTCs for which a rheobase value of x (pA)<=0 are filtered out DTCs are then scored by neuronunit, using neuronunit models that act in place. ''' #pop = copy.copy(pop) if hc is not None: pop[0].hc = None pop[0].hc = hc if backend is not None: pop[0].backend = None pop[0].backend = backend pop, dtcpop = test_runner(pop,td,tests) for p,d in zip(pop,dtcpop): p.dtc = d return pop
[docs]def create_subset(nparams = 10, boundary_dict = None): # used by GA to find subsets in parameter space. if type(boundary_dict) is type(None): raise ValueError('A parameter range dictionary was not supplied \ and the program doesnt know what value to explore.') mp = modelp.model_params key_list = list(mp.keys()) reduced_key_list = key_list[0:nparams] else: key_list = list(boundary_dict.keys()) reduced_key_list = key_list[0:nparams] subset = { k:boundary_dict[k] for k in reduced_key_list } return subset