Source code for neuronunit.optimization.exhaustive_search

#from neuronunit.optimization import get_neab
#tests = get_neab.tests
import pdb

import multiprocessing
from collections import OrderedDict

from neuronunit.optimization.model_parameters import model_params
from neuronunit.optimization import data_transport_container
from neuronunit.optimization.optimization_management import nunit_evaluation, update_deap_pop
from neuronunit.optimization.optimization_management import update_dtc_pop
import numpy as np
from collections import OrderedDict

import copy
from copy import deepcopy
import math

import dask.bag as db
from sklearn.model_selection import ParameterGrid
import scipy

import pickle
import os
import numpy as np
npartitions = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
npart = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
import shelve

import os
from numba import jit

[docs]class WSListIndividual(list): """Individual consisting of list with weighted sum field""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Constructor""" self.rheobase = None self.dtc = None super(WSListIndividual, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]@jit def reduce_params(model_params,nparams): key_list = list(model_params.keys()) reduced_key_list = key_list[0:nparams] subset = { k:model_params[k] for k in reduced_key_list } return subset
[docs]def chunks(l, n): # For item i in a range that is a length of l, return [ l[:][i:i+n] for i in range(0, len(l), n) ]
[docs]def build_chunk_grid(npoints, free_params, hold_constant = None, mp_in = None): #grid_points, maps = create_grid(mp_in, npoints = npoints, free_params = free_params) temp = OrderedDict(grid_points[0]).keys() tds = list(temp) # old stable approach if len(grid_points[0].keys())>1: pops = [ WSListIndividual(g.values()) for g in grid_points ] else: pops = [ val for g in grid_points for val in g.values() ] return pops,tds # new approach, merited? Older works better ''' pops = [] for g in grid_points: pre_pop = list(g.values()) pop = WSListIndividual(pre_pop) pops.append(pop) # divide population into chunks that reflect the number of CPUs. # don't want lists of lengths 1 that are awkward to iterate over. # so check if there would be a chunk of list length 1, and if so divide by a different numberself. # that is still dependant on CPU number. if len(pops) % npartitions != 1: pops_ = chunks(pops,npartitions) else: pops_ = chunks(pops,npartitions-2) if len(pops_) > 1: assert pops_[0] != pops_[1] return pops_, tds '''
[docs]def sample_points(iter_dict, npoints=3): replacement = {} for p in range(0,len(iter_dict)): for k,v in iter_dict.items():#popitem(last=False) if len(v) == 2: sample_points = list(np.linspace(v[0],v[1],npoints)) else: v = np.array(v) sample_points = list(np.linspace(v.max(),v.min(),npoints)) replacement[k] = sample_points return replacement
''' @jit def sample_points(iter_dict, npoints=2): replacement = {} for p in range(0,len(iter_dict)): k,v = iter_dict.popitem(last=False) v[0] = v[0]*1.0/3.0 v[1] = v[1]*2.0/3.0 #if len(v) == 2: # sample_points = list(np.linspace(v[0],v[1],npoints)) #else: # v = np.array(v) sample_points = list(np.linspace(v.max(),v.min(),npoints)) replacement[k] = sample_points return replacement '''
[docs]@jit def update_dtc_grid(item_of_iter_list): dtc = data_transport_container.DataTC() dtc.attrs = deepcopy(item_of_iter_list) dtc.scores = {} dtc.rheobase = None dtc.evaluated = False dtc.backend = 'NEURON' return dtc
[docs]@jit def create_a_map(subset): maps = {} for k,v in subset.items(): maps[k] = {} for ind,j in enumerate(subset[k]): maps[k][j] = ind return maps #@jit #def create_grid(mp_in=None,npoints=3,free_params=None,ga=None): ''' Description, create a grid of evenly spaced samples in model parameters to search over. Inputs: npoints, type: Integer: number of sample points per parameter nparams, type: Integer: number of parameters to use, conflicts, with next argument. nparams, iterates through a list of parameters, and assigns the nparams to use via stupid counting. provided keys: explicitly define state the model parameters that are used to create the grid of samples, by keying into an existing of parameters. This method needs the user of the method to declare a dictionary of model parameters in a path: neuronunit.optimization.model_parameters. Miscallenous, once grid created by this function has been evaluated using neuronunit it can be used for informing a more refined second pass fine grained grid # smaller is a dictionary thats not necessarily as big # as the grid defined in the model_params file. Its not necessarily # a smaller dictionary, if it is smaller it is reduced by reducing sampling # points. if type(mp_in) is type(None): from neuronunit.models.NeuroML2 import model_parameters as modelp mp_in = OrderedDict(modelp.model_params) pdb.set_trace() whole_p_set = {} sp = sample_points(copy.copy(mp_in), npoints=2) whole_p_set = OrderedDict(sp) print(type(free_params), 'free_params') if type(free_params) is type(dict): subset = OrderedDict( {k:whole_p_set[k] for k in list(free_params.keys())}) elif len(free_params) == 1 or type(free_params) is type(str('')): subset = OrderedDict( {free_params: whole_p_set[free_params] } ) else: subset = OrderedDict( {k:whole_p_set[k] for k in free_params}) print('subset is wrong') pdb.set_trace() maps = create_a_map(subset) if type(ga) is not type(None): if npoints > 1: for k,v in subset.items(): v[0] = v[0]*1.0/3.0 v[1] = v[1]*2.0/3.0 '''
[docs]def add_constant(hold_constant,pop): hold_constant = OrderedDict(hold_constant) for p in pop: for k,v in hold_constant.items(): p[k] = v for k in hold_constant.keys(): td.append(k) return pop,td
[docs]def create_grid(mp_in = None, npoints = 3, free_params = None, ga = None): ''' check for overlap in parameter space. ''' if len(free_params)> 1: subset = OrderedDict(free_params) else: subset = {free_params[0]:None} ndim = len(subset) #nsteps = np.floor(float(npoints)/float(ndim)) if type(mp_in) is not type(None): for k,v in mp_in.items(): if k in free_params: subset[k] = np.linspace(np.min(free_params[k]),np.max(free_params[k]), npoints) #import pdb; pdb.set_trace() #subset[k] = ( np.min(free_params[k]),np.max(free_params[k]) ) else: subset[k] = v # The function of maps is to map floating point sample spaces onto a monochromataic matrix indicies. grid = list(ParameterGrid(subset)) return grid
[docs]@jit def tfg2i(x, y, z): ''' translate_float_grid_to_index Takes x, y, z values as lists and returns a 2D numpy array ''' dx = abs(np.sort(list(set(x)))[1] - np.sort(list(set(x)))[0]) dy = abs(np.sort(list(set(y)))[1] - np.sort(list(set(y)))[0]) i = ((x - min(x)) / dx).astype(int) # Longitudes j = ((y - max(y)) / dy).astype(int) # Latitudes grid = np.nan * np.empty((len(set(j)),len(set(i)))) grid[j, i] = z # if using latitude and longitude (for WGS/West) return grid
[docs]def tfc2i(x, y, z,err): ''' translate_float_cube_to_index Takes x, y, z values as lists and returns a 2D numpy array ''' dx = abs(np.sort(list(set(x)))[1] - np.sort(list(set(x)))[0]) dy = abs(np.sort(list(set(y)))[1] - np.sort(list(set(y)))[0]) dz = abs(np.sort(list(set(z)))[1] - np.sort(list(set(y)))[0]) i = ((x - min(x)) / dx).astype(int) # Longitudes j = ((y - max(y)) / dy).astype(int) # Latitudes k = ((z - max(z)) / dz).astype(int) # Latitudes grid = np.nan * np.empty((len(set(i)),len(set(j)), len(set(k)) )) grid[i,j,k] = err # if using latitude and longitude (for WGS/West) return
[docs]@jit def transdict(dictionaries): from collections import OrderedDict mps = OrderedDict() sk = sorted(list(dictionaries.keys())) for k in sk: mps[k] = dictionaries[k] tl = [ k for k in mps.keys() ] return mps, tl
[docs]def run_rick_grid(rick_grid, tests,td): consumable = iter(rick_grid) grid_results = [] results = update_deap_pop(consumable, tests, td) #import pdb #pdb.set_trace() if type(results) is not None: grid_results.extend(results) return grid_results
[docs]def run_simple_grid(npoints, tests, ranges, free_params, hold_constant = None): subset = OrderedDict() for k,v in ranges.items(): if k in free_params: subset[k] = ( np.min(ranges[k]),np.max(ranges[k]) ) # The function of maps is to map floating point sample spaces onto a monochromataic matrix indicies. subset = OrderedDict(subset) subset = sample_points(subset, npoints = npoints) grid_points = list(ParameterGrid(subset)) td = grid_points[0].keys() if type(hold_constant) is not type(None): grid_points = add_constant(hold_constant,grid_points) if len(td) > 1: consumable = [ WSListIndividual(g.values()) for g in grid_points ] else: consumable = [ val for g in grid_points for val in g.values() ] grid_results = [] td = list(td) if len(consumable) <= 16: consumable = consumable results = update_deap_pop(consumable, tests, td) if type(results) is not None: grid_results.extend(results) if len(consumable) > 16: consumable = chunks(consumable,8) for sub_pop in consumable: sub_pop = sub_pop #sub_pop = [[i] for i in sub_pop ] #sub_pop = WSListIndividual(sub_pop) results = update_deap_pop(sub_pop, tests, td) if type(results) is not None: grid_results.extend(results) return grid_results
[docs]def run_grid(npoints, tests, provided_keys = None, hold_constant = None, ranges=None): subset = mp_in[provided_keys] consumable_ ,td = build_chunk_grid(npoints,provided_keys) cnt = 0 grid_results = [] if type(hold_constant) is not type(None): td, hc = add_constant(hold_constant,consumable_,td) consumable = iter(consumable_) use_cache = None s = None for sub_pop in consumable: results = update_deap_pop(sub_pop, tests, td) if type(results) is not None: grid_results.extend(results) if type(use_cache) is not type(None): if type(s) is not type(None): s['consumable'] = consumable s['cnt'] = cnt s['grid_results'] = grid_results s['sub_pop'] = sub_pop cnt += 1 print('done_block_of_N_cells: ',cnt) if type(s) is not type(None): s.close() return grid_results