Source code for neuronunit.optimization.bp_opt

"""Optimisation class"""

Copyright (c) 2016, EPFL/Blue Brain Project

 This file is part of BluePyOpt <>

 This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
 the terms of the Lesser General Public License version 3.0 as published
 by the Free Software Foundation.

 This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
 FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more

 You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
 along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

# pylint: disable=R0912, R0914
from neuronunit.optimization import optimization_management

import random
import logging
import functools
import numpy

import deap
import deap.base
import deap.algorithms

from . import algorithms
from bluepyopt.deapext.optimisations import tools

import numpy
from numba import jit
logger = logging.getLogger('__main__')

# TODO decide which variables go in constructor, which ones go in 'run' function
# TODO abstract the algorithm by creating a class for every algorithm, that way
# settings of the algorithm can be stored in objects of these classes

from neuronunit.optimization.optimization_management import evaluate, update_deap_pop
from neuronunit.optimization import optimization_management
import numpy as np

[docs]class WeightedSumFitness(deap.base.Fitness): """Fitness that compares by weighted sum""" def __init__(self, values=(), obj_size=None): self.weights = [-1.0] * obj_size if obj_size is not None else [-1] super(WeightedSumFitness, self).__init__(values) @property def weighted_sum(self): """Weighted sum of wvalues""" return sum(self.wvalues) @property def sum(self): """Weighted sum of values""" return sum(self.values) @property def norm(self): """Frobenius norm of values""" return numpy.linalg.norm(self.values) def __le__(self, other): return self.weighted_sum <= other.weighted_sum def __lt__(self, other): return self.weighted_sum < other.weighted_sum def __deepcopy__(self, _): """Override deepcopy""" cls = self.__class__ result = cls.__new__(cls) result.__dict__.update(self.__dict__) return result
[docs]class WSListIndividual(list): """Individual consisting of list with weighted sum field""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Constructor""" = WeightedSumFitness(obj_size=kwargs['obj_size']) self.dtc = None self.rheobase = None del kwargs['obj_size'] super(WSListIndividual, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def set_fitness(self,obj_size): = WeightedSumFitness(obj_size=obj_size)
[docs]class WSFloatIndividual(float): """Individual consisting of list with weighted sum field""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Constructor""" self.dtc = None self.rheobase = None super(WSFloatIndividual, self).__init__()
[docs] def set_fitness(self,obj_size): = WeightedSumFitness(obj_size=obj_size)
import bluepyopt.optimisations
[docs]class SciUnitOptimization(bluepyopt.optimisations.Optimisation): """DEAP Optimisation class""" def __init__(self, error_criterion = None, evaluator = None, selection = 'selIBEA', benchmark = False, seed=1, offspring_size=15, elite_size=3, eta=10, mutpb=1.0, cxpb=1.0, map_function=None, backend=None, nparams = 10, provided_dict= {}): """Constructor""" super(SciUnitOptimization, self).__init__() self.selection = selection self.benchmark = benchmark self.error_criterion = error_criterion self.seed = seed self.offspring_size = offspring_size self.elite_size = elite_size self.eta = eta self.cxpb = cxpb self.mutpb = mutpb self.backend = backend # Create a DEAP toolbox self.toolbox = deap.base.Toolbox() self.setnparams(nparams = nparams, provided_dict = provided_dict) self.setup_deap() #assert len(self.params.items()) == 3 #assert len(self.pop.dtc.attrs.items()) == 3
[docs] def transdict(self,dictionaries): from collections import OrderedDict mps = OrderedDict() sk = sorted(list(dictionaries.keys())) for k in sk: mps[k] = dictionaries[k] tl = [ k for k in mps.keys() ] return mps, tl
[docs] def setnparams(self, nparams = 10, provided_dict = None): self.params = optimization_management.create_subset(nparams = nparams,provided_dict = provided_dict) self.nparams = len(self.params) self.params , = self.transdict(self.params) return self.params,
[docs] def set_evaluate(self): if self.benchmark == True: self.toolbox.register("evaluate", benchmarks.zdt1) else: self.toolbox.register("evaluate", optimization_management.evaluate)
[docs] def grid_sample_init(self, nparams): from neuronunit.optimization import exhaustive_search as es npoints = self.offspring_size ** (1.0/len(list(self.params))) npoints = np.ceil(npoints) nparams = len(self.params) provided_keys = list(self.params.keys()) dic_grid, _ = es.create_grid(npoints = npoints, provided_keys = self.params) delta = int(np.abs(len(dic_grid) - (npoints ** len(list(self.params))))) pop = [] for dg in dic_grid: temp = list(dg.values()) pop.append(temp) for d in range(0,delta): impute = [] for i in range(0,len(pop[0])): impute.append(np.mean([ p[i] for p in pop ])) pop.append(impute) assert len(pop) == int(npoints ** len(list(self.params))) return pop
[docs] def setup_deap(self): """Set up optimisation""" # Set random seed random.seed(self.seed) # Eta parameter of crossover / mutation parameters # Basically defines how much they 'spread' solution around # The lower this value, the more spread ETA = self.eta # Number of parameters # Bounds for the parameters IND_SIZE = len(list(self.params.values())) OBJ_SIZE = len(self.error_criterion) LOWER = [ np.min(self.params[v]) for v in ] UPPER = [ np.max(self.params[v]) for v in ] if self.backend == 'glif': for index, i in enumerate(UPPER): if i == LOWER[index]: LOWER[index]-=2.0 i+=2.0 self.grid_init = self.grid_sample_init(self.params)#(LOWER, UPPER, self.offspring_size) def uniform_params(lower_list, upper_list, dimensions): if hasattr(lower_list, '__iter__'): other = [random.uniform(lower, upper) for lower, upper in zip(lower_list, upper_list)] else: other = [random.uniform(lower_list, upper_list) for _ in range(dimensions)] return other # Register the 'uniform' function self.toolbox.register("uniform_params", uniform_params, LOWER, UPPER, IND_SIZE) self.toolbox.register( "Individual",, functools.partial(WSListIndividual, obj_size=OBJ_SIZE), self.toolbox.uniform_params) # Register the population format. It is a list of individuals self.toolbox.register( "population",, list, self.toolbox.Individual) # Register the evaluation function for the individuals #@jit def custom_code(invalid_ind, as_log=None): if type(as_log) is not type(None): for p in invalid_ind: for gene in p: gene = np.log(gene) if self.backend is None: invalid_pop = update_deap_pop(invalid_ind, self.error_criterion, td = else: invalid_pop = update_deap_pop(invalid_ind, self.error_criterion, td =, backend = self.backend) assert len(invalid_pop) != 0 invalid_dtc = [ i.dtc for i in invalid_pop if hasattr(i,'dtc') ] fitnesses = list(map(evaluate, invalid_dtc)) return (invalid_pop,fitnesses) self.toolbox.register("evaluate", custom_code) # Register the mate operator self.toolbox.register( "mate",, eta=ETA, low=LOWER, up=UPPER) # Register the mutation operator self.toolbox.register( "mutate",, eta=ETA, low=LOWER, up=UPPER, indpb=0.5) # Register the variate operator self.toolbox.register("variate", deap.algorithms.varAnd)
#self.toolbox.register("select", tools.selIBEA) #@jit
[docs] def set_pop(self): IND_SIZE = len(list(self.params.values())) OBJ_SIZE = len(self.error_criterion) if IND_SIZE == 1: # I changed this too. pop = [ WSFloatIndividual(g,obj_size=OBJ_SIZE) for g in self.grid_init ] else: pop = [ WSListIndividual(g, obj_size=OBJ_SIZE) for g in self.grid_init ] return pop
[docs] def run(self, max_ngen=25, offspring_size=None, continue_cp=False, cp_filename=None, cp_frequency=0): """Run optimisation""" # Allow run function to override offspring_size # TODO probably in the future this should not be an object field anymore # keeping for backward compatibility if offspring_size is None: offspring_size = self.offspring_size pop = self.toolbox.population(n=offspring_size) pop = self.set_pop() hof = pf = stats = ind: stats.register("avg", numpy.mean) stats.register("std", numpy.std) stats.register("min", numpy.min) stats.register("max", numpy.max) pop, hof, pf, log, history, gen_vs_pop = algorithms.eaAlphaMuPlusLambdaCheckpoint( pop, self.toolbox, offspring_size, self.cxpb, self.mutpb, max_ngen, stats=stats, halloffame=hof, pf=pf, nelite=self.elite_size, cp_frequency=cp_frequency, continue_cp=continue_cp, cp_filename=cp_filename, selection = self.selection, td = # insert the initial HOF value back in. td = attr_keys = list(hof[0].dtc.attrs.keys()) us = {} # GA utilized_space for key in attr_keys: temp = [ v.dtc.attrs[key] for k,v in history.genealogy_history.items() ] us[key] = ( np.min(temp), np.max(temp)) = us self.results = {'pop':pop,'hof':hof,'pf':pf,'log':log,'history':history,'td':td,'gen_vs_pop':gen_vs_pop} return self.results
#pop, hof, pf, log, history, td, gen_vs_pop