Source code for neuronunit.optimization.algorithms

"""Optimisation class
Copyright (c) 2016, EPFL/Blue Brain Project

 This file is part of BluePyOpt <>

 This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
 the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3.0 as published
 by the Free Software Foundation.

 This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
 FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more

 You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
 along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

import random
import logging

import deap.algorithms
import pickle
import numpy

import copy
from neuronunit.optimization import optimization_management as om

import pdb
import math
from bluepyopt.deapext.optimisations import tools
#from bluepyopt import tools
import numpy as np

logger = logging.getLogger('__main__')

from import selNSGA2

def _evaluate_invalid_fitness(toolbox, population):
    '''Evaluate the individuals with an invalid fitness

    Returns the count of individuals with invalid fitness
    invalid_ind = [ind for ind in population if not]
    invalid_pop,fitnesses = toolbox.evaluate(invalid_ind)
    for ind, fit in zip(invalid_pop,fitnesses): = fit
    return invalid_pop

def _update_history_and_hof(halloffame,pf, history, population,td):
    '''Update the hall of fame with the generated individuals

    Note: History and Hall-of-Fame behave like dictionaries

    if halloffame is not None:
    if pf is not None:

    return (halloffame,pf)

def _record_stats(stats, logbook, gen, population, invalid_count):
    '''Update the statistics with the new population'''
    record = stats.compile(population) if stats is not None else {}
    logbook.record(gen=gen, nevals=invalid_count, **record)

[docs]def gene_bad(offspring): gene_bad = False for o in offspring: for gene in o: if math.isnan(gene): gene_bad = True return gene_bad
def _get_offspring(parents, toolbox, cxpb, mutpb): '''return the offsprint, use toolbox.variate if possible''' if hasattr(toolbox, 'variate'): offspring = toolbox.variate(parents, toolbox, cxpb, mutpb) # This suppresses errors that need to be handled # while gene_bad(offspring) == True: # offspring = deap.algorithms.varAnd(parents, toolbox, cxpb, mutpb) return offspring def _get_elite(halloffame, nelite): if nelite > 0 and halloffame is not None: normsorted_idx = numpy.argsort([ for ind in halloffame]) #hofst = [(sum(h.dtc.scores.values()),h.dtc) for h in halloffame ] #ranked = sorted(hofst, key=lambda w: w[0],reverse = True) return [halloffame[idx] for idx in normsorted_idx[:nelite]] else: return list()
[docs]def eaAlphaMuPlusLambdaCheckpoint( population, toolbox, mu, cxpb, mutpb, ngen, stats = None, halloffame = None, pf=None, nelite = 3, cp_frequency = 1, cp_filename = None, continue_cp = False, selection = 'selNSGA2', td=None): print(halloffame,pf) gen_vs_pop = [] if continue_cp: # A file name has been given, then load the data from the file cp = pickle.load(open(cp_filename, "r")) population = cp["population"] parents = cp["parents"] start_gen = cp["generation"] halloffame = cp["halloffame"] logbook = cp["logbook"] history = cp["history"] random.setstate(cp["rndstate"]) else: # Start a new evolution start_gen = 1 parents = population[:] gen_vs_pop.append(population) logbook = logbook.header = ['gen', 'nevals'] + (stats.fields if stats else []) history = # TODO this first loop should be not be repeated ! invalid_ind = _evaluate_invalid_fitness(toolbox, population) invalid_count = len(invalid_ind) gen_vs_hof = [] halloffame, pf = _update_history_and_hof(halloffame, pf, history, population, td) gen_vs_hof.append(halloffame) _record_stats(stats, logbook, start_gen, population, invalid_count) # Begin the generational process for gen in range(start_gen + 1, ngen + 1): offspring = _get_offspring(parents, toolbox, cxpb, mutpb) assert len(offspring)>0 population = parents + offspring gen_vs_pop.append(population) invalid_count = _evaluate_invalid_fitness(toolbox, offspring) halloffame, pf = _update_history_and_hof(halloffame,pf, history, population, td) _record_stats(stats, logbook, gen, population, invalid_count) set_ = False if str('selIBEA') == selection: toolbox.register("select",tools.selIBEA) set_ = True if str('selNSGA') == selection: toolbox.register("select",selNSGA2) set_ = True assert set_ == True elite = _get_elite(halloffame, nelite) gen_vs_pop.append(copy.copy(population)) parents =, mu) #elif selection == str('selIBEA'): # from . import tools # toolbox.register("select", tools.selIBEA) # parents = + _get_elite(halloffame, nelite), mu) if(cp_filename and cp_frequency and gen % cp_frequency == 0): cp = dict(population=population, generation=gen, parents=parents, halloffame=halloffame, history=history, logbook=logbook, rndstate=random.getstate()) pickle.dump(cp, open(cp_filename, "wb")) print('Wrote checkpoint to %s', cp_filename) logger.debug('Wrote checkpoint to %s', cp_filename) unique_values = [ p.dtc.attrs.values() for p in population ] print(len(unique_values) == len(set(unique_values))) #print(set(gen_vs_pop[-1][0].dtc.attrs.values()) in set(population[0].dtc.attrs.values())) return population, halloffame, pf, logbook, history, gen_vs_pop