Source code for neuronunit.neuromldb

from urllib import request
import sys
import json
import zipfile, tempfile
import os
import pathlib

import quantities
import quantities as pq
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
import numpy as np
from neo import AnalogSignal
from neuronunit.models.static import StaticModel

if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
    import urllib.request as urllib
    import urllib

[docs]class NeuroMLDBModel: def __init__(self, model_id = "NMLCL000086"): self.model_id = model_id self.api_url = "" # See docs at: self.waveforms = None self.waveform_signals = {} self.url_responses = {}
[docs] def get_files(self): zip_url = "" % self.model_id location = pathlib.Path(tempfile.mkdtemp()) zip_location = location / ('' % self.model_id) request.urlretrieve(zip_url, zip_location) assert zip_location.is_file() with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_location, 'r') as zip_ref: zip_ref.extractall(location) return location
[docs] def read_api_url(self, url): if url not in self.url_responses: response = urllib.urlopen(url).read() if sys.version_info[0] >= 3: response = response.decode("utf-8") self.url_responses[url] = json.loads(response) return self.url_responses[url]
[docs] def fetch_waveform_list(self): # Fetch the list of waveforms from the API and cache the result if not self.waveforms: data = self.read_api_url(self.api_url + "model?id=" + str(self.model_id)) self.waveforms = data["waveform_list"] return self.waveforms
[docs] def fetch_waveform_as_AnalogSignal(self, waveform_id, resolution_ms = 0.01, units = "mV"): # If signal not in cache if waveform_id not in self.waveform_signals: # Load api URL into Python data = self.read_api_url(self.api_url + "waveform?id=" + str(waveform_id)) # Get time and signal values (from CSV format) t = np.array(data["Times"].split(','),float) signal = np.array(data["Variable_Values"].split(','),float) # Interpolate to regularly sampled series (API returns irregularly sampled) sig = interp1d(t,signal,fill_value="extrapolate") signal = sig(np.arange(min(t),max(t),resolution_ms)) # Convert to neo.AnalogSignal signal = AnalogSignal(signal,units=units, sampling_period=resolution_ms* starts_from_ss = next(w for w in self.waveforms if w["ID"] == waveform_id)["Starts_From_Steady_State"] == 1 if starts_from_ss: rest_wave = self.get_steady_state_waveform() t = np.concatenate((rest_wave.times, signal.times + rest_wave.t_stop)) * quantities.s v = np.concatenate((np.array(rest_wave), np.array(signal))) * quantities.mV signal = AnalogSignal(v, units=units, sampling_period=resolution_ms * self.waveform_signals[waveform_id] = signal return self.waveform_signals[waveform_id]
[docs] def get_steady_state_waveform(self): if not hasattr(self, "steady_state_waveform") or self.steady_state_waveform is None: for w in self.waveforms: if w["Protocol_ID"] == "STEADY_STATE" and w["Variable_Name"] == "Voltage": self.steady_state_waveform = self.fetch_waveform_as_AnalogSignal(w["ID"]) return self.steady_state_waveform raise Exception("Did not find the resting waveform." + " See " + self.api_url + "model?id=" + self.model_id + " for the list of available model waveforms.") return self.steady_state_waveform
[docs] def get_waveform_by_current(self, amplitude_nA): for w in self.waveforms: if w["Variable_Name"] == "Voltage": wave_amp = self.get_waveform_current_amplitude(w) if ((amplitude_nA < 0 * pq.nA and w["Protocol_ID"] == "SQUARE") or (amplitude_nA >= 0 * pq.nA and w["Protocol_ID"] == "LONG_SQUARE")) \ and amplitude_nA == wave_amp: return self.fetch_waveform_as_AnalogSignal(w["ID"]) raise Exception("Did not find a Voltage waveform with injected " + str(amplitude_nA) + ". See " + self.api_url + "model?id=" + self.model_id + " for the list of available model waveforms.")
[docs] def get_druckmann2013_standard_current(self): currents = [] for w in self.waveforms: if w["Protocol_ID"] == "LONG_SQUARE" and w["Variable_Name"] == "Voltage": currents.append(self.get_waveform_current_amplitude(w)) if len(currents) != 4: raise Exception("The LONG_SQUARE protocol for the model should have 4 waveforms") return [currents[-2]] # 2nd to last one is RBx1.5 waveform
[docs] def get_druckmann2013_strong_current(self): currents = [] for w in self.waveforms: if w["Protocol_ID"] == "LONG_SQUARE" and w["Variable_Name"] == "Voltage": currents.append(self.get_waveform_current_amplitude(w)) if len(currents) != 4: raise Exception("The LONG_SQUARE protocol for the model should have 4 waveforms") return [currents[-1]] # The last one is RBx3 waveform
[docs] def get_druckmann2013_input_resistance_currents(self): currents = [] # Find and return negative square current injections for w in self.waveforms: if w["Protocol_ID"] == "SQUARE" and w["Variable_Name"] == "Voltage": amp = self.get_waveform_current_amplitude(w) if amp < 0 * pq.nA: currents.append(amp) return currents
[docs] def get_waveform_current_amplitude(self, waveform): return float(waveform["Waveform_Label"].replace(" nA", "")) * pq.nA
[docs]class NeuroMLDBStaticModel(StaticModel): def __init__(self, model_id, **params): self.nmldb_model = NeuroMLDBModel(model_id) self.nmldb_model.fetch_waveform_list()
[docs] def inject_square_current(self, current): self.vm = self.nmldb_model.get_waveform_by_current(current["amplitude"])