Source code for neuronunit.neuroelectro

"""NeuronUnit interface to

Interface for creating tests using as reference data.

Example workflow:

x = NeuroElectroDataMap()
# ID for 'Amygdala basolateral nucleus pyramidal neuron'.
x.set_ephysprop(id=23) # ID for 'Spike width'.
x.set_article(pmid=18667618) # Pubmed ID for Fajardo et al, 2008 (J. Neurosci.)
x.get_values() # Gets values for spike width from this paper.
width = x.val # Spike width reported in that paper.

t = neurounit.tests.SpikeWidthTest(spike_width=width)
c = sciunit.Candidate() # Instantiation of your model (or other candidate)
c.execute = code_that_runs_your_model
result =,m)
print result.score
# OR
x = NeuroElectroSummary()
x.set_neuron(nlex_id='nifext_152') # ID for 'Amygdala basolateral
                                   # nucleus pyramidal neuron'.
x.set_ephysprop(id=2) # ID for 'Spike width'.
x.get_values() # Gets values for spike width from this paper.
width = x.mean # Mean Spike width reported across all matching papers.

import json
from pprint import pprint
import shelve
import hashlib
import pickle
import requests
try:  # Python 2
    from urllib import urlencode
    from urllib2 import urlopen, URLError
except ImportError:  # Python 3
    from urllib.parse import urlencode
    from urllib.request import urlopen, URLError

import numpy as np
DUMP = True

    DOMAIN = 'http://localhost:8000'
    DOMAIN = ''

[docs]def is_neuroelectro_up(): """Check if is up.""" url = "" request = requests.get(url) return request.status_code == 200
[docs]class NeuroElectroError(Exception): """Base class for NeuroElectro errors.""" pass
[docs]class Neuron: """Describes a neuron type in NeuroElectro.""" id = None nlex_id = None name = None
[docs]class EphysProp: """Describes an electrophysiolical property in NeuroElectro.""" id = None nlex_id = None name = None
[docs]class Article: """Describes a journal article in NeuroElectro.""" id = None pmid = None
[docs]class NeuroElectroData(object): """Abstract class based on data using that site's API.""" def __init__(self, neuron=None, ephysprop=None, get_values=False, cached=True): """Constructor. Args: neuron (dict): Dictionary of information about the neuron ephys_prop (dict): Dictionary of information about the electrophysiological property get_values (bool): Whether to get the values from NeuroElectro cached (bool): Whether to use a cached value if it is available """ self.neuron = Neuron() if neuron: for key, value in neuron.items(): setattr(self.neuron, key, value) self.ephysprop = EphysProp() if ephysprop: for key, value in ephysprop.items(): setattr(self.ephysprop, key, value) self.require_attrs = None self.get_one_match = True # By default only get the first match self.cached = cached if get_values: self.get_values() url = API_URL # Base URL.
[docs] def set_names(self, neuron_name, ephysprop_name): """Set the names of the neurons (i.e. their types).""" self.set_neuron(name=neuron_name) self.set_ephysprop(name=ephysprop_name)
[docs] def set_neuron(self, **kwargs): """Set the biological neuron lookup attributes.""" for key, value in kwargs.items(): if key in ['id', 'nlex_id', 'name']: setattr(self.neuron, key, value)
[docs] def set_ephysprop(self, **kwargs): """Set the electrophysiological property lookup attributes.""" for key, value in kwargs.items(): if key in ['id', 'nlex_id', 'name']: setattr(self.ephysprop, key, value)
[docs] def make_url(self, params=None): """Create the full URL to the neuroelectro API.""" url = self.url+"?" query = {} # Change these for consistency in the API. query['n'] = query['nlex'] = self.neuron.nlex_id query['n__name'] = query['e'] = query['e__name'] = query = {key: value for key, value in query.items() if value is not None} if params is not None: for key in params.keys(): if params[key] is not None: query[key] = params[key] url += urlencode(query) return url
[docs] def get_json(self, params=None, quiet=False): """Get JSON data from Data is based on the currently set neuron and ephys property. Use 'params' to constrain the data returned. """ url = self.make_url(params=params) if not quiet: print(url) try: url_result = urlopen(url, None, 3) # Get the page. html = # Read out the HTML (actually JSON) except URLError as e: try: html ='utf-8') self.json_object = json.loads(html) if 'error_message' in self.json_object: raise NeuroElectroError(self.json_object['error_message']) except: if hasattr(e, 'reason'): raise NeuroElectroError(e.reason) raise NeuroElectroError(" appears to be down.") else: html = html.decode('utf-8') self.json_object = json.loads(html) return self.json_object
[docs] def get_values(self, params=None, quiet=False): """Get values from We will use 'params' in the future to specify metadata (e.g. temperature) that will provide. """ db ='neuroelectro-cache') if self.cached else {} contents = (self.__class__, self.neuron, self.ephysprop, params) if DUMP: pickled = pickle.dumps(contents) identifier = hashlib.sha224(pickled).hexdigest() if not quiet: print("Getting %s%s data values from" % ("cached " if identifier in db else "", if identifier in db: print("Using cached value.") self.json_object = json.loads(db[identifier]) else: self.get_json(params=params, quiet=quiet) if DUMP: db[identifier] = json.dumps(self.json_object) if 'objects' in self.json_object: data = self.json_object['objects'] else: data = None # All the summary matches in for this combination # of neuron and ephys property. if data: self.api_data = data[0] if self.get_one_match else data else: self.api_data = None # For now, we are just going to take the first match. # If neuron_id and ephysprop_id where both specified, # there should be only one anyway. if self.cached: db.close() return self.api_data
[docs] def check(self): """See if data requested from the server were obtained successfully.""" if self.require_attrs: for attr in self.require_attrs: if not hasattr(self, attr): raise AttributeError(("The attribute '%s' was " "not found.") % attr)
[docs]class NeuroElectroDataMap(NeuroElectroData): """Class for getting single reported values from""" url = API_URL+'nedm/' article = Article() require_attrs = ['val', 'sem']
[docs] def set_article(self, id_=None, pmid=None): """Set the biological neuron using a NeuroLex ID.""" = id_ self.article.pmid = pmid
[docs] def make_url(self, params=None): """Create the full URL to the neuroelectro API.""" url = super(NeuroElectroDataMap, self).make_url(params=params) query = {} query['a'] = query['pmid'] = self.article.pmid query = {key: value for key, value in query.items() if value is not None} url += '&'+urlencode(query) return url
[docs] def get_values(self, params=None, quiet=False): """Get values from We will use 'params' in the future to specify metadata (e.g. temperature) that will provide. """ data = super(NeuroElectroDataMap, self).get_values(params=params, quiet=quiet) if data: = data['ncm']['n']['name'] # Set the neuron name from the json data. = data['ecm']['e']['name'] # Set the ephys property name from the json data. self.val = data['val'] self.sem = data['err'] self.n = data['n'] self.check() return data
[docs]class NeuroElectroSummary(NeuroElectroData): """Class for getting summary values (across reports) from """ url = API_URL+'nes/' require_attrs = ['mean', 'std']
[docs] def get_values(self, params=None, quiet=False): """Get values from We will use 'params' in the future to specify metadata (e.g. temperature) that will provide. """ data = super(NeuroElectroSummary, self).get_values(params=params, quiet=quiet) if data: = data['n']['name'] # Set the neuron name from the json data. = data['e']['name'] # Set the ephys property name from the json data. self.mean = data['value_mean'] self.std = data['value_sd'] self.n = data['num_articles'] self.check() return data
[docs] def get_observation(self, params=None, show=False): """Get the observation from""" values = self.get_values(params=params) if show: pprint(values) observation = {'mean': self.mean, 'std': self.std} return observation
[docs]class NeuroElectroPooledSummary(NeuroElectroDataMap): """Class for getting summary values from Values are computed by pooling each report's mean and std across reports. """
[docs] def get_values(self, params=None, quiet=False): """Get all papers reporting the neuron's property value.""" self.get_one_match = False # We want all matches if params is None: params = {} params['limit'] = 999 data = super(NeuroElectroPooledSummary, self).get_values(params=params, quiet=quiet) if data: # Ensure data from api matches the requested params data = [item for item in data if (item['ecm']['e']['name'] == or item['ecm']['e']['id'] == and (item['ncm']['n']['nlex_id'] == self.neuron.nlex_id or item['ncm']['n']['id'] == ] # Set the neuron name and prop from the first json data object. self.neuron_name = data[0]['ncm']['n']['name'] self.ephysprop_name = data[0]['ecm']['e']['name'] # Pool each paper by weighing each mean by the paper's N and std stats = self.get_pooled_stats(data, quiet) self.mean = stats['mean'] self.std = stats['std'] self.n = stats['n'] self.items = stats['items'] # Needed by check() self.val = stats['mean'] self.sem = stats['sem'] self.check() else: raise RuntimeError("No data was returned by the NeuroElectro API") return self.items
[docs] def get_observation(self, params=None, show=False): """Get the observation from""" values = self.get_values(params=params) if show: pprint(values) observation = {'mean': self.mean, 'std': self.std, 'n': self.n} return observation
[docs] def get_pooled_stats(self, data, quiet=True): """Get pooled statistics from the data.""" lines = [] means = [] sems = [] stds = [] ns = [] sources = [] if not quiet: print("Raw Values") # Collect raw values for each paper from NeuroElectro for item in data: err_is_sem = item['error_type'] == "sem" # SEM or std err = (item['err_norm'] if item['err_norm'] is not None else item['err']) sem = err if err_is_sem else None std = err if not err_is_sem else None mean = (item['val_norm'] if item['val_norm'] is not None else item['val']) n = item['n'] source = item['source'] means.append(mean) sems.append(sem) stds.append(std) ns.append(n) sources.append(source) if not quiet: print({'mean': mean, 'std': std, 'sem': sem, 'n': n}) # Fill in missing values self.fill_missing_ns(ns) self.fill_missing_sems_stds(sems, stds, ns) if not quiet: print("---------------------------------------------------") print("Filled in Values (computed or median where missing)") for i, _ in enumerate(means): line = {'mean': means[i], 'std': stds[i], 'sem': sems[i], 'n': ns[i], "source": sources[i]} lines.append(line) print(line) # Compute the weighted grand_mean # grand_mean = SUM( N[i]*Mean[i] ) / SUM(N[i]) # grand_std = SQRT( SUM( (N[i]-1)*std[i]^2 ) / SUM(N[i]-1) ) ns_np = np.array(ns) means_np = np.array(means) stds_np = np.array(stds) n_sum = ns_np.sum() grand_mean = np.sum(ns_np * means_np) / n_sum grand_std = np.sqrt(np.sum((ns_np-1)*(stds_np**2))/np.sum(ns_np-1)) grand_sem = grand_std / np.sqrt(n_sum) return {'mean': grand_mean, 'sem': grand_sem, 'std': grand_std, 'n': n_sum, 'items': lines}
[docs] def fill_missing_ns(self, ns): """Fill in the missing N's with median N.""" none_free_ns = np.array(ns)[ns != np.array(None)] if none_free_ns: n_median = int(np.median(none_free_ns)) else: n_median = 1 # If no N's reported at all, weigh all means equally for i, _ in enumerate(ns): if ns[i] is None: ns[i] = n_median
[docs] def fill_missing_sems_stds(self, sems, stds, ns): """Fill in computable sems/stds.""" for i, _ in enumerate(sems): # Check if sem or std is computable if sems[i] is None and stds[i] is not None: sems[i] = stds[i] / np.sqrt(ns[i]) if stds[i] is None and sems[i] is not None: stds[i] = sems[i] * np.sqrt(ns[i]) # Fill in the remaining missing using median std none_free_stds = np.array(stds)[stds != np.array(None)] if none_free_stds: std_median = np.median(none_free_stds) else: # If no stds or SEMs reported at all, raise error # Perhaps the median std of all cells for this property could # be used. However, NE API nes interface does not support summary # prop values without specifying the neuron id msg = 'No StDevs or SEMs reported for "%s" property "%s"' msg = msg % (self.neuron_name, self.ephysprop_name) raise NotImplementedError(msg) for i, _ in enumerate(stds): if stds[i] is None: stds[i] = std_median sems[i] = std_median / np.sqrt(ns[i])