Source code for neuronunit.models.lems

"""Model classes for NeuronUnit."""

import os
import shutil
    from urllib.parse import urljoin
except ImportError:
    from urlparse import urljoin

import requests
import validators
import quantities as pq
from lxml import etree
from neuroml import nml

import neuronunit.capabilities as cap
from pyneuroml import pynml
from sciunit.utils import TemporaryDirectory
from sciunit.models.runnable import RunnableModel

[docs]class LEMSModel(RunnableModel): """A generic LEMS model.""" extra_capability_checks = { cap.ReceivesSquareCurrent: 'has_pulse_generator' } def __init__(self, LEMS_file_path_or_url, name=None, backend=None, attrs=None): """Instantiate a LEMS model.""" # If a URL is provided, download and get the path LEMS_file_path = self.url_to_path(LEMS_file_path_or_url) if name is None: name = os.path.split(LEMS_file_path)[1].split('.')[0] self.orig_lems_file_path = os.path.abspath(LEMS_file_path) assert os.path.isfile(self.orig_lems_file_path),\ "'%s' is not a file" % self.orig_lems_file_path # Use original path unless create_lems_file is called self.lems_file_path = self.orig_lems_file_path if self.from_url: nml_paths = self.get_nml_paths(original=True, absolute=False) for nml_path in nml_paths: nml_url = urljoin(self.from_url, nml_path) self.url_to_path(nml_url) if backend is None: backend = 'jNeuroML' super(LEMSModel, self).__init__(name, backend=backend, attrs=attrs) self.set_default_run_params(**pynml.DEFAULTS) self.set_default_run_params(nogui=True) self.use_default_run_params() from_url = None
[docs] def url_to_path(self, possible_url, base=None): """Check for a URL and download the contents. If it is not a URL, just consider it a local path to the contents. """ if validators.url(possible_url): if base is None: base = os.getcwd() # Location to which to download model files file_name = os.path.split(possible_url)[1] download_path = os.path.join(base, file_name) try: r = requests.get(possible_url, allow_redirects=True) except requests.ConnectionError: print("Could not connect to server at %s" % possible_url) if r.status_code != 200: print("URL %s gave a response code %d" % (possible_url, r.status_code)) with open(download_path, 'wb') as f: f.write(r.content) self.from_url = possible_url else: download_path = possible_url self.from_url = False return download_path
[docs] def get_nml_paths(self, lems_tree=None, absolute=True, original=False): """Get all NeuroML file paths associated with the model.""" if not lems_tree: lems_tree = etree.parse(self.lems_file_path) nml_paths = [] for atrb in ['file', 'href']: for tag in ['Include', 'include']: match = "*[contains(@%s, '.nml')][name() = '%s']" % (atrb, tag) elements = lems_tree.xpath(match) nml_paths += [x.attrib[atrb] for x in elements] if absolute: # Turn into absolute paths lems_file_path = self.orig_lems_file_path if original \ else self.lems_file_path nml_paths = [os.path.join(os.path.dirname(lems_file_path), x) for x in nml_paths] return nml_paths
[docs] def create_lems_file_copy(self, name=None, use=True): """Create a temporary, writable copy of the original LEMS file. Used so that e.g. edits can be made to it programatically before simulation. """ if name is None: name = lems_copy_path = os.path.join(, '%s.xml' % name) shutil.copy2(self.orig_lems_file_path, lems_copy_path) nml_paths = self.get_nml_paths(original=True) for orig_nml_path in nml_paths: new_nml_path = os.path.join(, os.path.basename(orig_nml_path)) shutil.copy2(orig_nml_path, new_nml_path) if self.attrs: self.set_lems_attrs(path=lems_copy_path) if use: self.lems_file_path = lems_copy_path return lems_copy_path
[docs] def get_parsed_trees(self): """Get a dictionary of parsed XML trees for each model file.""" lems_tree = etree.parse(self.lems_file_path) trees = {self.lems_file_path: lems_tree} nml_paths = self.get_nml_paths(lems_tree=lems_tree) trees.update({x: nml.nml.parsexml_(x) for x in nml_paths}) for path, tree in trees.items(): for elem in tree.getiterator(): try: # Set the tag name to the local name (i.e. without the namespace) elem.tag = etree.QName(elem).localname except: # Probably a comment or someting else that has no QName pass # Remove unused namespace declarations etree.cleanup_namespaces(tree) return trees
[docs] def set_lems_attrs(self, path=None): """Set attribite equivalents in the LEMS file and write it to disk.""" if path is None: path = self.lems_file_path paths = [path] + self.get_nml_paths() for p in paths: tree = etree.parse(p) for key1, value1 in self.attrs.items(): nodes = tree.findall(key1) for node in nodes: for key2, value2 in value1.items(): node.attrib[key2] = value2 tree.write(p)
[docs] def set_lems_run_params(self, verbose=False): """Set run_param equivalents in the LEMS file and write it to disk.""" trees = self.get_parsed_trees() # NeuronUnit->LEMS attribute mapping mapping = {'t_stop': 'length', 'dt': 'step'} # Edit NML files. for file_path, tree in trees.items(): for key, value in self.run_params.items(): if key in ['t_stop', 'dt']: simulations = tree.findall('Simulation') for sim in simulations: value_in_ms = float(value.rescale( sim.attrib[mapping[key]] = '%fms' % value_in_ms elif key == 'injected_square_current': pulse_generators = tree.findall('pulseGenerator') for pg in pulse_generators: for attr in ['delay', 'duration', 'amplitude']: if attr in value: if verbose: print('Setting %s to %f' % (attr, value[attr])) pg.attrib[attr] = '%s' % value[attr] tree.write(file_path)
[docs] def has_pulse_generator(self, tree=None): """Return True if this model instance contains a pulse generator. It must be a NeuroML implementation of a pulse generator attached to an explicit input. """ if tree is None: trees = self.get_parsed_trees() return any([self.has_pulse_generator(tree=tree) for path, tree in trees.items()]) else: try: pulse_generators = tree.findall('pulseGenerator') pg_ids = [pg.attrib['id'] for pg in pulse_generators] all_inputs = [] explicit_inputs = tree.findall('.//explicitInput') all_inputs += [ei.attrib['input'] for ei in explicit_inputs] inputLists = tree.findall('.//inputList') all_inputs += [il.attrib['component'] for il in inputLists] if len(set(pg_ids).intersection(all_inputs)): return True except Exception as e: raise e return False
@property def temp_dir(self): if not hasattr(self, '_temp_dir'): self._temp_dir = TemporaryDirectory() return self._temp_dir