Source code for

"""NeuronUnit model class for ion channels models"""

import os
import re

import as cap
from .lems import LEMSModel
from pyneuroml.analysis import NML2ChannelAnalysis as ca
import quantities as pq

[docs]class ChannelModel(LEMSModel, cap.NML2ChannelAnalysis): """A model for ion channels""" def __init__(self, channel_file_path_or_url, channel_index=0, name=None, backend='jNeuroML'): """ channel_file_path: Path to NML file. channel_index: Order of channel in NML file (usually 0 since most files contain one channel). name: Optional model name. """ if name is None: base, file_name = os.path.split(channel_file_path_or_url) name = file_name.split('.')[0] super(ChannelModel, self).__init__(channel_file_path_or_url, name=name, backend=backend) channels = ca.get_channels_from_channel_file(self.orig_lems_file_path) = channels[channel_index] self.a = None # Temperature, clamp parameters, etc. self.default_params = ca.DEFAULTS.copy() self.default_params.update({'nogui': True}) """ DEPRECATED def NML2_run(self, rerun=False, a=None, verbose=None, **params): self.params = self.default_params.copy() self.params.update(params) # Convert keyword args to a namespace. a = ca.build_namespace(a=a, **self.params) if verbose is None: verbose = a.v # Only rerun if params have changed. if self.a is None or a.__dict__ != self.a.__dict__ or rerun: self.a = a # Force the Channel Analysis module to write files to the # temporary directory ca.OUTPUT_DIR = # Create a lems file. self.lems_file_path = ca.make_lems_file(, self.a) # Writes data to disk. self.results = ca.run_lems_file(self.lems_file_path, verbose) """
[docs] def ca_make_lems_file(self, **params): # Set params in the SciUnit model instance self.params = params # ChannelAnalysis only accepts camelCase parameter names # This converts snake_case to camelCase params = {snake_to_camel(key): value for key, value in params.items()} # Build a namespace for use by ChannelAnalysis self.ca_namespace = ca.build_namespace(**params) # Make the new LEMS file self.lems_file_path = ca.make_lems_file(, self.ca_namespace)
[docs] def ca_run_lems_file(self, verbose=True): return self.results
[docs] def ca_compute_iv_curve(self, results): iv_data = ca.compute_iv_curve(, self.ca_namespace, results) self.iv_data = {} for kind in ['i_peak', 'i_steady']: self.iv_data[kind] = {} for v, i in iv_data[kind].items(): v = float((v * pq.V).rescale(pq.mV)) self.iv_data[kind][v] = (i * pq.A).rescale(pq.pA) self.iv_data['hold_v'] = (iv_data['hold_v'] * pq.V).rescale(pq.mV) return self.iv_data
[docs] def plot_iv_curve(self, v, i, *plt_args, **plt_kwargs): ca.plot_iv_curve(self.a, v, i, *plt_args, **plt_kwargs)
[docs]def snake_to_camel(string): return re.sub(r'_([a-z])', lambda x:, string)