Source code for neuronunit.models.bindings

import io
import math
import pdb
import copy
from types import MethodType

import numpy as np
import quantities as pq
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from elephant.spike_train_generation import threshold_detection
from neo import AnalogSignal
    from pyNN.neuron import HH_cond_exp
    from pyNN.neuron import EIF_cond_exp_isfa_ista
    import pyNN.neuron as pn
    from pyNN.neuron import setup as setup
    from pyNN.neuron import DCSource
    pyNN_NEURON = True
except (ImportError, AttributeError):
    print("Error loading pyNN.neuron")
    pyNN_NEURON = False

from sciunit.utils import redirect_stdout
import neuronunit.capabilities.spike_functions as sf
import neuronunit.capabilities as cap

[docs]def bind_NU_interface(model): def load_model(self): neuron = None from pyNN import neuron self.hhcell = neuron.create(EIF_cond_exp_isfa_ista()) pn.setup(timestep=self.dt, min_delay=1.0) def init_backend(self, attrs = None, cell_name= 'HH_cond_exp', current_src_name = 'hannah', DTC = None, dt=0.01): backend = 'HHpyNN' self.current_src_name = current_src_name self.cell_name = cell_name self.adexp = True self.DCSource = DCSource self.setup = setup #self.model_path = None self.related_data = {} self.lookup = {} self.attrs = {} self.neuron = pn self.model._backend = self self.backend = self self.model.attrs = {} #self.orig_lems_file_path = 'satisfying' self.model._backend.use_memory_cache = False #self.model.unpicklable += ['h','ns','_backend'] self.dt = dt if type(DTC) is not type(None): if type(DTC.attrs) is not type(None): self.set_attrs(**DTC.attrs) assert len(self.model.attrs.keys()) > 0 if hasattr(DTC,'current_src_name'): self._current_src_name = DTC.current_src_name if hasattr(DTC,'cell_name'): self.cell_name = DTC.cell_name def _local_run(self): ''' pyNN lazy array demands a minimum population size of 3. Why is that. ''' results = {} DURATION = 1000.0 if self.celltype == 'HH_cond_exp': self.hhcell.record('spikes','v') else: self.neuron.record_v(self.hhcell, "Results/HH_cond_exp_%s.v" % str(pn)) #self.neuron.record_gsyn(self.hhcell, "Results/HH_cond_exp_%s.gsyn" % str(neuron)) data = self.hhcell.get_data().segments[0] volts = data.filter(name="v")[0]#/10.0 #data_block = all_cells.get_data() vm = AnalogSignal(volts, units = pq.mV, sampling_period = self.dt* results['vm'] = vm results['t'] = vm.times # self.times results['run_number'] = results.get('run_number',0) + 1 return results def get_membrane_potential(self): """Must return a neo.core.AnalogSignal. And must destroy the hoc vectors that comprise it. """ data = self.hhcell.get_data().segments[0] volts = data.filter(name="v")[0] vm = AnalogSignal(volts, units = pq.mV, sampling_period = self.dt* return vm def set_attrs(self,**attrs): self.init_backend() self.model.attrs.update(attrs) assert type(self.model.attrs) is not type(None) self.hhcell[0].set_parameters(**attrs) return self def inject_square_current(self,current): attrs = copy.copy(self.model.attrs) self.init_backend() self.set_attrs(**attrs) c = copy.copy(current) if 'injected_square_current' in c.keys(): c = current['injected_square_current'] stop = float(c['delay'])+float(c['duration']) duration = float(c['duration']) start = float(c['delay']) amplitude = float(c['amplitude']) electrode = self.neuron.DCSource(start=start, stop=stop, amplitude=amplitude) electrode.inject_into(self.hhcell) self.results = self._local_run() self.vm = self.results['vm'] def get_APs(self,vm): vm = self.get_membrane_potential() waveforms = sf.get_spike_waveforms(vm,threshold=-45.0*pq.mV) return waveforms def get_spike_train(self,**run_params): vm = self.get_membrane_potential() spike_train = threshold_detection(vm,threshold=-45.0*pq.mV) return spike_train def get_spike_count(self,**run_params): vm = self.get_membrane_potential() return len(threshold_detection(vm,threshold=-45.0*pq.mV)) model.init_backend = MethodType(init_backend,model) model.get_spike_count = MethodType(get_spike_count,model) model.get_APs = MethodType(get_APs,model) model.get_spike_train = MethodType(get_spike_train,model) model.set_attrs = MethodType(set_attrs, model) # Bind to the score. model.inject_square_current = MethodType(inject_square_current, model) # Bind to the score. model.set_attrs = MethodType(set_attrs, model) # Bind to the score. model.get_membrane_potential = MethodType(get_membrane_potential,model) model.load_model = MethodType(load_model, model) # Bind to the score. model._local_run = MethodType(_local_run,model) model.init_backend(model) #model.load_model() #= MethodType(load_model, model) # Bind to the score. return model
if pyNN_NEURON: HH_cond_exp = bind_NU_interface(HH_cond_exp)