Source code for neuronunit.cellmodelp

# Obtains the cell threshold, rheobase, resting v, and bias currents for
# steady state v of a cell defined in a hoc file in the given directory.
# Usage: python getCellProperties /path/To/dir/with/.hoc

try:  # Python 2
    import cPickle
except ImportError:  # Python 3
    import _pickle as cPickle
import csv
import json
import os
import re
import shutil
import string
import urllib
from abc import abstractmethod, ABCMeta
from decimal import Decimal
import inspect
import multiprocessing
cpus = multiprocessing.cpu_count

import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
    from playhouse.db_url import connect
    from sshtunnel import SSHTunnelForwarder
    from collector import Collector
    from neuronrunner import NeuronRunner, NumericalInstabilityException
    from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
    from runtimer import RunTimer
    from tables import Cells, Model_Waveforms, Morphometrics, Cell_Morphometrics, db_proxy, Models
    from nmldbmodel import NMLDB_Model
except:  # Hack to allow import to occur so unit tests can pass
    print("Many modules required by `cellmodelp` not found")
    NMLDB_Model = object
import dask.bag as db # a pip installable module, usually installs without complication
import dask

from neuronunit.tests.druckmann2013 import *

[docs]class CellModel(NMLDB_Model): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(CellModel, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.init_cell_record() if self.cell_record.Steady_State_Delay is None: self.steady_state_delay = 1000 else: self.steady_state_delay = self.cell_record.Steady_State_Delay self.pickle_file_cache = {} self.all_properties.extend([ 'NEURON_conversion', 'equation_count', 'runtime_per_step', 'structural_metrics', 'tolerances', 'stability_range', 'resting_voltage', 'threshold', 'rheobase', 'DT_SENSITIVITY', 'stability_range', 'threshold', 'rheobase', 'bias_current', 'tolerances_with_stim', 'CVODE_STEP_FREQUENCIES', 'STEADY_STATE', 'RAMP', 'SHORT_SQUARE', 'SQUARE', 'LONG_SQUARE', 'SHORT_SQUARE_HOLD', 'SHORT_SQUARE_TRIPPLE', 'SQUARE_SUBTHRESHOLD', 'DRUCKMANN_PROPERTIES' # 'NOISE', # 'NOISE_RAMP', # 'morphology_data' ]) self.init_cell_record()
[docs] def init_cell_record(self): self.server.connect() self.cell_record = Cells.get_or_none(Cells.Model_ID == self.get_model_nml_id()) if self.cell_record is None: self.cell_record = Cells( Model_ID=self.get_model_nml_id(), Stability_Range_Low=None, Stability_Range_High=None, Is_Intrinsically_Spiking=False, Resting_Voltage=None, Rheobase_Low=None, Rheobase_High=None, Threshold_Current_Low=None, Threshold_Current_High=None, Bias_Current=None, Bias_Voltage=None, Errors=None ) # Create cell record if it doesn't exist (using the NMLDB ID as the pkey) # Retrieve the freshly created record self.cell_record = Cells.get_or_none(Cells.Model_ID == self.get_model_nml_id())
[docs] def save_stability_range(self): if self.is_nosim(): return self.use_optimal_dt_if_available() print("Getting stability range...") self.cell_record.Stability_Range_Low, self.cell_record.Stability_Range_High = self.get_stability_range() assert self.cell_record.Stability_Range_Low < self.cell_record.Stability_Range_High
[docs] def save_resting_voltage(self): if self.is_nosim(): return self.use_optimal_dt_if_available() print("Getting resting voltage...") self.cell_record.Resting_Voltage = self.getRestingV(self.steady_state_delay, save_resting_state=True)["rest"] # No resting v means cell is intrinsically spiking self.cell_record.Is_Intrinsically_Spiking = self.cell_record.Resting_Voltage is None if not self.cell_record.Is_Intrinsically_Spiking: assert self.cell_record.Resting_Voltage < 1.0 # Allen Glif models rest at 0
[docs] def save_threshold(self): if self.is_nosim(): return if self.cell_record.Is_Intrinsically_Spiking or self.cell_record.Is_Passive: return self.use_optimal_dt_if_available() print("Getting threshold...") th = self.getThreshold(0, self.cell_record.Stability_Range_High) self.cell_record.Threshold_Current_Low = np.min(th) self.cell_record.Threshold_Current_High = np.max(th) assert self.cell_record.Threshold_Current_Low < self.cell_record.Threshold_Current_High
[docs] def save_rheobase(self): if self.is_nosim(): return if self.cell_record.Is_Intrinsically_Spiking or self.cell_record.Is_Passive: return self.use_optimal_dt_if_available() print("Getting rheobase...") rb = self.getRheobase(0, self.cell_record.Threshold_Current_High) self.cell_record.Rheobase_Low = np.min(rb) self.cell_record.Rheobase_High = np.max(rb) assert self.cell_record.Rheobase_Low < self.cell_record.Rheobase_High assert self.cell_record.Rheobase_High < self.cell_record.Threshold_Current_High
[docs] def save_bias_current(self): if self.is_nosim(): return if self.cell_record.Is_Intrinsically_Spiking or self.cell_record.Is_Passive: return self.use_optimal_dt_if_available() print("Getting current for bias voltage...") roundedRest = round(self.cell_record.Resting_Voltage / 10) * 10 if roundedRest == -80: bias_v = -70 else: bias_v = -80 bias_i = self.getBiasCurrent(targetV=bias_v) self.cell_record.Bias_Voltage = bias_v self.cell_record.Bias_Current = bias_i assert self.cell_record.Bias_Current < self.cell_record.Rheobase_High if self.cell_record.Bias_Voltage < self.cell_record.Resting_Voltage: assert self.cell_record.Bias_Current < 0 else: assert self.cell_record.Bias_Current > 0
[docs] def get_number_of_compartments(self, h): if self.is_abstract_cell(): return 1 return sum(s.nseg for s in h.allsec())
[docs] def save_to_SWC(self, h): import xml.etree.ElementTree root = xml.etree.ElementTree.parse(self.model_record.File_Name).getroot() seg_tags = root.findall(".//{}segment") point_ids = {} self.current_id = 1 def add_point(prox_dist): if len(prox_dist) > 0: point_str = str(prox_dist[0].attrib) if point_str not in point_ids: point_ids[point_str] = str(self.current_id) self.current_id += 1 for seg_tag in seg_tags: proximal = seg_tag.findall('{}proximal') distal = seg_tag.findall('{}distal') add_point(proximal) add_point(distal) segment_distal_point_ids = {} for seg_tag in seg_tags: distal = seg_tag.findall('{}distal') point_id = point_ids[str(distal[0].attrib)] segment_distal_point_ids[seg_tag.attrib["id"]] = point_id swc_points = [] def get_type(seg_tag): seg_name = seg_tag.attrib["name"].lower() if "dend" in seg_name: return "3" if "axon" in seg_name: return "2" if "soma" in seg_name: return "1" return "5" for tag in seg_tags: parent_tag = tag.findall('{}parent') proximal = tag.findall('{}proximal') distal = tag.findall('{}distal') if parent_tag: # parent - with prox - use proximal as parent id if proximal: parent_id = point_ids[str(proximal[0].attrib)] # If diameter of proximal is not the same as parent's distal - add as separate point if parent_id not in [pt["id"] for pt in swc_points]: if parent_tag[0].attrib["segment"] not in segment_distal_point_ids: raise Exception("Segment refers to non-existent parent segment: " + str(parent_tag[0].attrib["segment"])) swc_point = { "id": parent_id, "type": get_type(tag), "parent": segment_distal_point_ids[parent_tag[0].attrib["segment"]], "x": proximal[0].attrib["x"], "y": proximal[0].attrib["y"], "z": proximal[0].attrib["z"], "radius": str(float(proximal[0].attrib["diameter"]) / 2.0) } swc_points.append(swc_point) # parent - no prox - use parent's distal as parent id else: parent_id = segment_distal_point_ids[parent_tag[0].attrib["segment"]] # no parent - add proximal - will become distal's parent else: swc_point = { "id": point_ids[str(proximal[0].attrib)], "type": get_type(tag), "parent": "-1", "x": proximal[0].attrib["x"], "y": proximal[0].attrib["y"], "z": proximal[0].attrib["z"], "radius": str(float(proximal[0].attrib["diameter"]) / 2.0) } parent_id = swc_point["id"] swc_points.append(swc_point) # Always add distal swc_point = { "id": point_ids[str(distal[0].attrib)], "type": get_type(tag), "parent": str(parent_id), "x": distal[0].attrib["x"], "y": distal[0].attrib["y"], "z": distal[0].attrib["z"], "radius": str(float(distal[0].attrib["diameter"]) / 2.0) } swc_points.append(swc_point) swc_file_path = os.path.join(self.get_conversion_dir("swc"),"cell.swc") with open(swc_file_path, "w") as file: for point in swc_points: file.write( point["id"] + " " + point["type"] + " " + point["x"] + " " + point["y"] + " " + point["z"] + " " + point["radius"] + " " + point["parent"] + "\n") return os.path.abspath(swc_file_path)
[docs] def save_LMeasure_metrics(self, swc_file): db = self.server.connect() cell_id = self.get_model_nml_id() # Do all the work within a transaction with db.atomic(): # Clear out existing cell metrics Cell_Morphometrics.delete().where(Cell_Morphometrics.Cell == cell_id).execute() # Get a list of metrics metrics = for metric in metrics: # Compute the metric with lmeasure f = metric.Function_ID swc_file = swc_file.replace(os.path.abspath(os.getcwd()) + "/", "") os.system('../../lmeasure -f'+str(f)+',0,0,10.0 -slmeasure_out.csv '+swc_file+' -C') # Read the result with open('lmeasure_out.csv') as f: line = list(csv.reader(f, delimiter="\t"))[0] # Make sure the db function id corresponds to the Lmeasure function name assert line[1].startswith(metric.ID) # Save to DB record = Cell_Morphometrics( Cell=cell_id, Metric=metric, Total = float(line[2]), Compartments_Considered=int(line[3]), Compartments_Discarded=int(line[4].replace("(", "").replace(")", "")), Minimum = float(line[5]), Average = float(line[6]), Maximum = float(line[7]), StDev = float(line[8]) ) # Cleanup lmeasure files os.system("rm lmeasure_out.csv")
[docs] def save_morphology_data(self): # Load the model h = self.build_model(restore_tolerances=False) if self.is_abstract_cell() or self.get_number_of_compartments(h) <= 1: print("Cell is ABSTRACT or SINGLE COMPARTMENT, skipping morphometrics and 3D visualization...") return # Compute morphometrics self.save_morphometrics(h) # Render 3D GIF # Rotate the cell to be upright along the x,y,z coord PCA axes self.rotate_cell_along_PCA_axes(h) import sys sys.path.append('/home/justas/Repositories/BlenderNEURON/ForNEURON') from blenderneuron import BlenderNEURON bl = BlenderNEURON(h) bl.prepare_for_collection() # Skip simulation if no basic properties are present if self.cell_record.Is_Intrinsically_Spiking is not None: # Inject continuous above rheobase current if self.cell_record.Rheobase_High is not None: self.current.delay = 0 self.current.dur = 100 self.current.amp = self.cell_record.Rheobase_High * 1.5 self.use_optimal_dt_if_available() h.steps_per_ms = 10 h.cvode_active(self.config.cvode_active) h.dt = self.config.dt # No additional stim for intrinsic spikers print("Simulating current injection...") h.tstop = 100.0 h.newPlotV() self.save_rotating_gif(bl)
[docs] def save_rotating_gif(self, bl): bl.enqueue_method("clear") bl.enqueue_method('set_render_params', file_format="JPEG2000") bl.send_model() bl.enqueue_method('link_objects') bl.enqueue_method('show_full_scene') bl.enqueue_method('color_by_unique_materials') bl.enqueue_method('orbit_camera_around_model') # Remove previous blend file os.system("rm " + os.path.join(self.get_conversion_dir("Blender"), "*.blend")) bl.run_method('save_scene',os.path.join(self.get_conversion_dir("Blender"),"cell.blend")) print("RENDERING... Check progress in Blender command line window...") # Wait till prev tasks and rendering is finished bl.run_method('render_animation', self.get_conversion_dir("gif")) print("Creating GIF from rendered frames...") self.make_gif_from_frames(self.get_conversion_dir("gif"))
[docs] def save_morphometrics(self, h): swc = self.save_to_SWC(h) self.save_LMeasure_metrics(swc)
[docs] def rotate_cell_along_PCA_axes(self, h): sections = [s for s in h.allsec()] # Using the first and last coords of sections coords = [[h.x3d(0, sec=s), h.y3d(0, sec=s), h.z3d(0, sec=s)] for s in sections] \ + \ [[h.x3d(h.n3d(sec=s) - 1, sec=s), h.y3d(h.n3d(sec=s) - 1, sec=s), h.z3d(h.n3d(sec=s) - 1, sec=s)] for s in sections] coords = np.array(coords) # Get the PCA components pca = PCA() # Rotate each section point to be along the PCA axes for sec in sections: for i in range(int(h.n3d(sec=sec))): transformed = pca.transform([[h.x3d(i, sec=sec), h.y3d(i, sec=sec), h.z3d(i, sec=sec)]]) x = transformed[0][2] y = transformed[0][1] z = transformed[0][0] diam = h.diam3d(i, sec=sec) h.pt3dchange(i, x, y, z, diam, sec=sec)
[docs] def save_tolerances_with_stim(self): if self.is_nosim(): return self.save_tolerances(current_amp=0 if self.cell_record.Is_Intrinsically_Spiking else self.cell_record.Threshold_Current_High)
[docs] def save_STEADY_STATE(self): """ Reach steady state and save model state :return: None """ self.remove_protocol_waveforms("STEADY_STATE") if self.is_nosim(): return self.use_optimal_dt_if_available() result = self.getRestingV(save_resting_state=True, run_time=self.steady_state_delay) self.save_tvi_plot(label="STEADY STATE", tvi_dict=result) self.save_vi_waveforms(protocol="STEADY_STATE", tvi_dict=result)
[docs] def save_RAMP(self): """ From steady state, run ramp injection :return: None """ self.remove_protocol_waveforms("RAMP") if self.is_nosim(): return if self.cell_record.Is_Intrinsically_Spiking or self.cell_record.Is_Passive: return self.use_optimal_dt_if_available() result = self.get_ramp_response(ramp_delay=self.steady_state_delay, ramp_max_duration=5 * 1000, ramp_increase_rate_per_second=self.cell_record.Rheobase_High, stop_after_n_spikes_found=10, restore_state=True) self.save_tvi_plot(label="RAMP", tvi_dict=result) self.save_vi_waveforms(protocol="RAMP", tvi_dict=result)
[docs] def save_SHORT_SQUARE(self): """ # Short square is a brief, threshold current pulse after steady state :return: None """ self.remove_protocol_waveforms("SHORT_SQUARE") if self.is_nosim(): return if self.cell_record.Is_Intrinsically_Spiking or self.cell_record.Is_Passive: return self.use_optimal_dt_if_available() self.save_square_current_set(protocol="SHORT_SQUARE", square_low=self.cell_record.Threshold_Current_Low, square_high=self.cell_record.Threshold_Current_High, square_steps=2, delay=self.steady_state_delay, duration=3)
[docs] def save_SQUARE(self): self.remove_protocol_waveforms("SQUARE") if self.is_nosim(): return if self.cell_record.Is_Intrinsically_Spiking or self.cell_record.Is_Passive: return self.use_optimal_dt_if_available() self.save_square_current_set(protocol="SQUARE", square_low=-self.cell_record.Rheobase_High * 0.5, # Note the "-" square_high=self.cell_record.Rheobase_High * 1.5, square_steps=11, delay=self.steady_state_delay, duration=1000)
[docs] def save_LONG_SQUARE(self): """ Long square is a 2s current pulse after steady state :return: None """ self.remove_protocol_waveforms("LONG_SQUARE") if self.is_nosim(): return if self.cell_record.Is_Intrinsically_Spiking or self.cell_record.Is_Passive: return self.use_optimal_dt_if_available() # Up to Druckmann 2013 150% of RB - "standard stimulus" self.save_square_current_set(protocol="LONG_SQUARE", square_low=self.cell_record.Rheobase_High, square_high=self.cell_record.Rheobase_High * 1.5, square_steps=3, delay=self.steady_state_delay, duration=2000) # Up to Druckmann 2013 300% of RB - "strong stimulus" self.save_square_current_set(protocol="LONG_SQUARE", square_low=self.cell_record.Rheobase_High * 3.0, square_high=self.cell_record.Rheobase_High * 3.0, square_steps=1, delay=self.steady_state_delay, duration=2000)
[docs] def save_SHORT_SQUARE_HOLD(self): """ SHORT_SQUARE_HOLD is a short threshold stimulus, while under bias current :return: """ self.remove_protocol_waveforms("SHORT_SQUARE_HOLD") if self.is_nosim(): return if self.cell_record.Is_Intrinsically_Spiking or self.cell_record.Is_Passive: return self.use_optimal_dt_if_available() def get_current_ti(): ramp_t = [ 0, self.steady_state_delay, self.steady_state_delay, self.steady_state_delay + 3.0, self.steady_state_delay + 3.0, self.steady_state_delay + 250 ] ramp_i = [ self.cell_record.Bias_Current, self.cell_record.Bias_Current, -self.cell_record.Bias_Current + self.cell_record.Threshold_Current_High, -self.cell_record.Bias_Current + self.cell_record.Threshold_Current_High, self.cell_record.Bias_Current, self.cell_record.Bias_Current ] return ramp_t, ramp_i self.save_arb_current(protocol="SHORT_SQUARE_HOLD", delay=self.steady_state_delay, duration=250, get_current_ti=get_current_ti, restore_state=False) # Holding v, not resting
[docs] def save_SHORT_SQUARE_TRIPPLE(self): self.remove_protocol_waveforms("SHORT_SQUARE_TRIPPLE") if self.is_nosim(): return if self.cell_record.Is_Intrinsically_Spiking or self.cell_record.Is_Passive: return self.use_optimal_dt_if_available() self.save_square_tuple_set(delay=self.steady_state_delay, threshold_current=self.cell_record.Threshold_Current_High)
[docs] def save_SQUARE_SUBTHRESHOLD(self): """ Subthreshold pulses to measure capacitance :return: None """ self.remove_protocol_waveforms("SQUARE_SUBTHRESHOLD") if self.is_nosim(): return if self.cell_record.Is_Intrinsically_Spiking or self.cell_record.Is_Passive: return self.use_optimal_dt_if_available() self.save_square_current_set(protocol="SQUARE_SUBTHRESHOLD", square_low=-self.cell_record.Threshold_Current_Low, square_high=self.cell_record.Threshold_Current_Low, square_steps=2, delay=self.steady_state_delay, duration=0.5)
[docs] def save_NOISE(self): self.remove_protocol_waveforms("NOISE") if self.is_nosim(): return if self.cell_record.Is_Intrinsically_Spiking or self.cell_record.Is_Passive: return self.use_optimal_dt_if_available() self.save_noise_response_set(protocol="NOISE", meta_protocol="SEED1", delay=self.steady_state_delay, duration=3000, post_delay=250, rheobase=self.cell_record.Rheobase_High, multiples=[0.75, 1.0, 1.25], noise_pickle_file="noise1.pickle", restore_state=True) self.save_noise_response_set(protocol="NOISE", meta_protocol="SEED2", delay=self.steady_state_delay, duration=3000, post_delay=250, rheobase=self.cell_record.Rheobase_High, multiples=[0.75, 1.0, 1.25], noise_pickle_file="noise2.pickle", restore_state=True)
[docs] def save_NOISE_RAMP(self): self.remove_protocol_waveforms("NOISE_RAMP") if self.is_nosim(): return if self.cell_record.Is_Intrinsically_Spiking or self.cell_record.Is_Passive: return self.use_optimal_dt_if_available() self.save_noise_response_set(protocol="NOISE_RAMP", delay=self.steady_state_delay, duration=32000, post_delay=250, rheobase=self.cell_record.Rheobase_High, multiples=[1.0], noise_pickle_file="noisyRamp.pickle", restore_state=True)
[docs] def save_DT_SENSITIVITY(self): self.remove_protocol_waveforms("DT_SENSITIVITY") self.remove_protocol_waveforms("OPTIMAL_DT_BENCHMARK") if self.is_nosim(): return if self.cell_record.Is_Intrinsically_Spiking or self.cell_record.Is_Passive: return smallest_dt_result = self.save_dt_sensitivity_set(rheobase=self.cell_record.Rheobase_High) # Compute the optimal dt based on runtime and error costs optimal_dt = self.save_optimal_time_step() # Get the waveform at the optimal dt and its error if optimal_dt is not None: print('Starting OPTIMAL_DT_BENCHMARK protocol...') optimal_dt_result = self.save_dt_sensitivity_set( rheobase=self.cell_record.Rheobase_High, protocol="OPTIMAL_DT_BENCHMARK", steps_per_ms_set=[1.0 / optimal_dt], save_max_stable_dt=False ) # Interpolate the values of the optimal dt waveform to compare to the 0-error waveform from scipy.interpolate import interp1d optimal_interpolated = interp1d(optimal_dt_result["t"], optimal_dt_result["v"], kind="cubic", fill_value='extrapolate') optimal_v_sub = optimal_interpolated(smallest_dt_result["t_sub"]) optimal_dt_error = self.compute_waveform_error(smallest_dt_result["v_sub"], smallest_dt_result["range"], optimal_v_sub) self.model_record.Optimal_DT_Error = optimal_dt_error
[docs] def save_CVODE_STEP_FREQUENCIES(self): self.remove_protocol_waveforms("CVODE_STEP_FREQUENCIES") if self.is_nosim(): return if self.cell_record.Is_Intrinsically_Spiking or self.cell_record.Is_Passive: return self.save_cvode_step_frequencies(protocol="CVODE_STEP_FREQUENCIES", delay=self.steady_state_delay, sub_rheobase=self.cell_record.Rheobase_Low, rheobase=self.cell_record.Rheobase_High) self.save_cvode_runtime_complexity_metrics()
[docs] def save_DRUCKMANN_PROPERTIES(self): """ Tests of features described in Druckmann et. al. 2013 ( These tests use SQUARE and LONG_SQUARE waveforms obtained from the NMLDB Web API The waveforms should be uploaded to production server (dendrite) before running these tests. :return: None """ if self.is_nosim(): return if self.cell_record.Is_Intrinsically_Spiking or self.cell_record.Is_Passive or self.cell_record.Is_GLIF: return import sciunit, neuronunit, quantities from neuronunit.neuromldb import NeuroMLDBStaticModel model = NeuroMLDBStaticModel(self.get_model_nml_id()) standard = model.nmldb_model.get_druckmann2013_standard_current() strong = model.nmldb_model.get_druckmann2013_strong_current() ir_currents = model.nmldb_model.get_druckmann2013_input_resistance_currents() tests = [ AP12AmplitudeDropTest(standard), AP1SSAmplitudeChangeTest(standard), AP1AmplitudeTest(standard), AP1WidthHalfHeightTest(standard), AP1WidthPeakToTroughTest(standard), AP1RateOfChangePeakToTroughTest(standard), AP1AHPDepthTest(standard), AP2AmplitudeTest(standard), AP2WidthHalfHeightTest(standard), AP2WidthPeakToTroughTest(standard), AP2RateOfChangePeakToTroughTest(standard), AP2AHPDepthTest(standard), AP12AmplitudeChangePercentTest(standard), AP12HalfWidthChangePercentTest(standard), AP12RateOfChangePeakToTroughPercentChangeTest(standard), AP12AHPDepthPercentChangeTest(standard), InputResistanceTest(injection_currents=ir_currents), AP1DelayMeanTest(standard), AP1DelaySDTest(standard), AP2DelayMeanTest(standard), AP2DelaySDTest(standard), Burst1ISIMeanTest(standard), Burst1ISISDTest(standard), InitialAccommodationMeanTest(standard), SSAccommodationMeanTest(standard), AccommodationRateToSSTest(standard), AccommodationAtSSMeanTest(standard), AccommodationRateMeanAtSSTest(standard), ISICVTest(standard), ISIMedianTest(standard), ISIBurstMeanChangeTest(standard), SpikeRateStrongStimTest(strong), AP1DelayMeanStrongStimTest(strong), AP1DelaySDStrongStimTest(strong), AP2DelayMeanStrongStimTest(strong), AP2DelaySDStrongStimTest(strong), Burst1ISIMeanStrongStimTest(strong), Burst1ISISDStrongStimTest(strong), ] for i, test in enumerate(tests): mean = test.generate_prediction(model)['mean'] field = test.__class__.__name__[:-4] setattr(self.cell_record, field, mean) print('Test ' + str(i+1).rjust(2,' ') + ' ' + field.rjust(50, ' ') + ": " + str(mean))
[docs] def save_square_tuple_set(self, delay, threshold_current, intervals=[7, 11, 15, 19, 23, 27, 31, 35], stim_width=3, tuples=3): # Create a short square triple waveform def get_current_ti(interval): ramp_ti = [(0, 0)] for ti in range(tuples): ramp_ti.append((delay + interval * ti, 0)) ramp_ti.append((delay + interval * ti, threshold_current)) ramp_ti.append((delay + interval * ti + stim_width, threshold_current)) ramp_ti.append((delay + interval * ti + stim_width, 0)) ramp_ti.append((delay + interval * tuples + 100, 0)) # Split the tuple list into t and i lists return zip(*ramp_ti) for interval in intervals: freq = round(1000.0 / interval) self.save_arb_current(protocol="SHORT_SQUARE_TRIPPLE", label=str(freq) + " Hz", delay=delay, duration=interval * tuples + 100, get_current_ti=lambda: get_current_ti(interval), restore_state=True)
[docs] def save_square_current_set(self, protocol, square_low, square_high, square_steps, delay, duration, post_delay=250): # Create current amplitude set amps = np.linspace( max(square_low, self.cell_record.Stability_Range_Low), min(square_high, self.cell_record.Stability_Range_High), num=square_steps).tolist() # Run each injection as a separate simulation, resuming from steady state for amp in amps: result = self.get_square_response(delay=delay, duration=duration, post_delay=post_delay, amp=amp, restore_state=True) self.save_tvi_plot(label=protocol, case=self.short_string(amp) + " nA", tvi_dict=result) self.save_vi_waveforms(protocol=protocol, label=self.short_string(amp) + " nA", tvi_dict=result)
[docs] def get_square_response(self, delay, duration, post_delay, amp, restore_state=False): def square_protocol(time_flag): print('Starting SQUARE PROTOCOL...' + str(amp)) self.time_flag = time_flag h = self.build_model() print('Cell model built, starting current injection...') # Set the sqauare current injector self.current.dur = duration self.current.delay = delay self.current.amp = amp with RunTimer() as timer: if restore_state: self.restore_state() t, v = self.runFor(duration + post_delay) else: h.stdinit() t, v = self.runFor(delay + duration + post_delay) result = { "t": t.tolist(), "v": v.tolist(), "i": self.ic_i_collector.get_values_list(), "run_time": timer.get_run_time(), "steps": int(self.tvec.size()), "cvode_active": int(self.config.cvode_active), "dt_or_atol": self.config.abs_tolerance if self.config.cvode_active else self.config.dt } return result runner = NeuronRunner(square_protocol) runner.DONTKILL = True result = return result
[docs] def get_ramp_response(self, ramp_delay, ramp_max_duration, ramp_increase_rate_per_second, stop_after_n_spikes_found, restore_state=False): def test_condition(t, v): num_spikes = self.getSpikeCount(v) if num_spikes >= stop_after_n_spikes_found: print("Got " + str(num_spikes) + " spikes at " + str(t[-1]) + " ms. Stopping ramp current injection.") return True return False def get_current_ti(): ramp_i = [0, 0, ramp_max_duration / 1000.0 * ramp_increase_rate_per_second, 0] ramp_t = [0, ramp_delay, ramp_delay + ramp_max_duration, ramp_delay + ramp_max_duration] return ramp_t, ramp_i return self.get_arb_current_response(delay=ramp_delay, duration=ramp_max_duration, get_current_ti=get_current_ti, test_condition=test_condition, restore_state=restore_state)
[docs] def save_cvode_step_frequencies(self, protocol, delay, sub_rheobase, rheobase): # Ensure this is run using the variable step method orig_cvode = self.config.cvode_active self.config.cvode_active = 1 # First two evaluate no stim and sub-threshold current CVODE step frequencies self.save_square_current_set(protocol=protocol, square_low=0, square_high=sub_rheobase, square_steps=2, delay=delay, post_delay=0, duration=1000) # The rest are used to quantify CVODE step frequency per spike self.save_square_current_set(protocol=protocol, square_low=rheobase, square_high=rheobase*1.5, square_steps=11, delay=delay, post_delay=0, duration=1000) # Restore the integration method to as it was before self.config.cvode_active = orig_cvode
[docs] def save_dt_sensitivity_set(self, rheobase, protocol="DT_SENSITIVITY", steps_per_ms_set=[1024, 512, 256, 128, 64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1], save_max_stable_dt=True): """ :param rheobase: Cell rheobase current :param protocol: The label of the protocol to use when saving the waveform to DB :param steps_per_ms_set: A sequence (power of 2 works well to ensure values can be compared at same time points :param save_max_stable_dt: Record the largest dt that does not blow up the simulation :return: Nothing """ noise_pickle_file = "dtSensitivity.pickle" # Cache the files - they're slow to load if noise_pickle_file not in self.pickle_file_cache: with open(os.path.join("..", "..", noise_pickle_file), "r") as f: self.pickle_file_cache[noise_pickle_file] = cPickle.load(f) def get_current_ti(): noise = self.pickle_file_cache[noise_pickle_file] # 100 ms of rest with 50 ms of 0.75 RB square ramp_ti = [ (0, 0), (100, 0), (100, 0.75 * rheobase), (150, 0.75 * rheobase) ] # 50 ms of pink noise at 0.75 RB ramp_ti += zip((np.array(noise["t"]) + 150.0).tolist(), (np.array(noise["i"]) * rheobase * 0.75).tolist()) # 100 ms of square at 1.5 RB ramp_ti += [ (200, 1.5 * rheobase), (300, 1.5 * rheobase), ] # Another 50 ms of pink noise at 1.5 RB ramp_ti += zip((np.array(noise["t"]) + 300.0).tolist(), (np.array(noise["i"]) * rheobase * 1.5).tolist()) ramp_ti += zip((np.array(noise["t"]) + 350.0).tolist(), (np.array(noise["i"]) * rheobase * 1.5).tolist()) # 50 ms of square at -0.25 RB ramp_ti += [ (400, -0.25 * rheobase), (450, -0.25 * rheobase), ] # Another 50 ms of pink noise at -0.25 RB ramp_ti += zip((np.array(noise["t"]) + 350.0).tolist(), (np.array(noise["i"]) * rheobase * -0.25).tolist()) # Finally a 100ms recovery ramp_ti += [ (500, 0), (600, 0), ] return zip(*ramp_ti) smalest_dt_result = None max_stable_dt = 0 for steps_per_ms in steps_per_ms_set: try: result = self.get_arb_current_response(delay=0, duration=600, post_delay=0, get_current_ti=get_current_ti, restore_state=False, dt=1.0/steps_per_ms, sampling_period=1.0/steps_per_ms) # Save the smallest dt waveform if steps_per_ms == max(steps_per_ms_set): # Comparing everything to smallest dt waveform - its error is 0 result["error"] = 0 smalest_dt_result = result # Compute the range of the waveform voltages smalest_dt_result["range"] = max(result["v"]) - min(result["v"]) # Subsample the waveform using largest dt interval (1ms) # (these values will be compared across waveforms) try: smalest_dt_result["v_sub"] = np.array(smalest_dt_result["v"])[::max(steps_per_ms_set)] smalest_dt_result["t_sub"] = np.array(smalest_dt_result["t"])[::max(steps_per_ms_set)] except: pass else: # Error is average of differences from baseline waveform expressed as percentages of the waveform range result["error"] = self.compute_waveform_error(smalest_dt_result["v_sub"], smalest_dt_result["range"], np.array(result["v"])[::steps_per_ms]) if save_max_stable_dt: max_stable_dt = 1.0/steps_per_ms max_stable_dt_error = result["error"] dt_str = str(1.0/steps_per_ms) + " ms" self.save_tvi_plot(label=protocol, case=dt_str, tvi_dict=result) self.save_vi_waveforms(protocol=protocol, label=dt_str, tvi_dict=result) except Exception: break if save_max_stable_dt: print("Saving max stable time step " + str(max_stable_dt)) self.model_record.Max_Stable_DT = max_stable_dt self.model_record.Max_Stable_DT_Error = max_stable_dt_error # Clear the cache for this file self.pickle_file_cache.pop(noise_pickle_file) return smalest_dt_result
[docs] def compute_waveform_error(self, lowest_error_v, lowest_error_range, v): return np.average(np.abs(v - lowest_error_v) / lowest_error_range * 100.0)
[docs] def interpolate_time_signal(self, t, signal, new_interval): from scipy.interpolate import interp1d signal_function = interp1d(t, signal, kind="cubic", fill_value='extrapolate') new_t = np.arange(min(t),max(t),step=new_interval).tolist() new_signal = signal_function(new_t).tolist() return new_t, new_signal
[docs] def save_noise_response_set(self, protocol, delay, duration, post_delay, rheobase, noise_pickle_file, multiples, meta_protocol=None, restore_state=False): # Cache the files - they're slow to load if noise_pickle_file not in self.pickle_file_cache: with open(os.path.join("..", "..", noise_pickle_file), "r") as f: print('Reading noise .pickle file...') signal_orig = cPickle.load(f) t_int, i_int = self.interpolate_time_signal(signal_orig['t'], signal_orig['i'], self.config.dt) self.pickle_file_cache[noise_pickle_file] = { 't':t_int, 'i': i_int } signal_orig = None print('DONE') def get_current_ti(): noise = self.pickle_file_cache[noise_pickle_file] ramp_t = [0, delay] + (np.array(noise["t"]) + delay).tolist() + [delay + duration, delay + duration + post_delay] ramp_i = [0, 0] + (np.array(noise["i"]) * rheobase * multiple).tolist() + [0, 0] return ramp_t, ramp_i for multiple in multiples: result = self.get_arb_current_response(delay=delay, duration=duration, post_delay=post_delay, get_current_ti=get_current_ti, restore_state=restore_state) multiple_str = str(multiple) + "xRB" self.save_tvi_plot(label=protocol, case=(meta_protocol if meta_protocol is not None else "") + " " + multiple_str, tvi_dict=result) self.save_vi_waveforms(protocol=protocol, label=multiple_str, meta_protocol=meta_protocol, tvi_dict=result) # Clear the cache for this file self.pickle_file_cache.pop(noise_pickle_file)
[docs] def save_arb_current(self, protocol, delay, duration, get_current_ti, meta_protocol=None, label=None, restore_state=False): result = self.get_arb_current_response(delay=delay, duration=duration, get_current_ti=get_current_ti, restore_state=restore_state) self.save_tvi_plot(label=protocol, case=(meta_protocol if meta_protocol is not None else "") + " " + (label if label is not None else ""), tvi_dict=result) self.save_vi_waveforms(protocol=protocol, label=label, tvi_dict=result)
[docs] def get_arb_current_response(self, delay, duration, get_current_ti, post_delay=0, test_condition=None, restore_state=False, dt=None, sampling_period=None): def arb_current_protocol(flag): self.time_flag = flag if dt is not None: self.config.cvode_active = 0 self.config.dt = dt if sampling_period is not None: self.config.collection_period_ms = sampling_period h = self.build_model() # Set up IClamp for arbitrary current self.current.dur = 1e9 self.current.delay = 0 # Create ramp waveform ramp_t, ramp_i = get_current_ti() rv = h.Vector(ramp_i) tv = h.Vector(ramp_t) # Play ramp waveform into the IClamp (last param is continuous=True), tv, 1) with RunTimer() as timer: if restore_state: self.restore_state(keep_events=True) # Keep events ensures .play() works t, v = self.runFor(duration + post_delay, test_condition) else: h.stdinit() t, v = self.runFor(delay + duration + post_delay, test_condition) result = { "t": t.tolist(), "v": v.tolist(), "i": self.ic_i_collector.get_values_list(), "run_time": timer.get_run_time(), "steps": int(self.tvec.size()), "cvode_active": int(self.config.cvode_active), "dt_or_atol": self.config.abs_tolerance if self.config.cvode_active else self.config.dt } return result runner = NeuronRunner(arb_current_protocol) runner.DONTKILL = True result = return result
[docs] def load_model(self): # Load cell hoc and get soma os.chdir(self.temp_model_path) print("Loading NEURON... If this step 'freezes', ensure there are no hung NEURON processes with 'pkill -9 nrn*'") from neuron import h, gui print("DONE") if self.model_record.Publication.Temperature is None: print("Using default temperature " + str(self.config.default_temperature)) h.celsius = self.config.default_temperature else: print("Using temperature from publication " + str(self.model_record.Publication.Temperature)) h.celsius = self.model_record.Publication.Temperature # Create the cell if self.is_abstract_cell(): self.test_cell = self.get_abstract_cell(h) elif len(self.get_hoc_files()) > 0: self.test_cell = self.get_cell_with_morphology(h) else: raise Exception("Could not find cell .hoc or abstract cell .mod file in: " + self.temp_model_path) # Get the root sections and try to find the soma self.roots = h.SectionList() self.roots.allroots() self.roots = [s for s in self.roots] self.somas = [sec for sec in self.roots if "soma" in] if len(self.somas) == 1: self.soma = self.somas[0] elif len(self.somas) == 0 and len(self.roots) == 1: self.soma = self.roots[0] else: raise Exception("Problem finding the soma section") return h
[docs] def build_model(self, restore_tolerances=True): print("Loading cell: " + self.temp_model_path) h = self.load_model() # set up stim self.current = h.IClamp(self.soma(0.5)) self.current.delay = 50.0 self.current.amp = 0 self.current.dur = 100.0 = h.SEClamp(self.soma(0.5)) = 0 # Set up variable collectors self.t_collector = Collector(self.config.collection_period_ms, h._ref_t) if self.cell_record.V_Variable is None: self.v_collector = Collector(self.config.collection_period_ms, self.soma(0.5)._ref_v) else: self.v_collector = Collector(self.config.collection_period_ms, getattr(self.abstract_mod,"_ref_" + self.cell_record.V_Variable)) self.vc_i_collector = Collector(self.config.collection_period_ms, self.ic_i_collector = Collector(self.config.collection_period_ms, self.current._ref_i) self.tvec = h.Vector() self.tvec.record(h._ref_t) # h.nrncontrolmenu() self.nState = h.SaveState() self.sim_init() self.set_abs_tolerance(self.config.abs_tolerance) if not self.is_abstract_cell() and restore_tolerances: self.restore_tolerances() return h
[docs] def is_abstract_cell(self): return len(self.get_hoc_files()) == 0 and len(self.get_mod_files()) == 1
[docs] def get_abstract_cell(self, h): cell_mod_file = self.get_mod_files()[0] cell_mod_name = cell_mod_file.replace(".mod", "") soma = h.Section() soma.L = 10 soma.diam = 10 = 318.31927 # Magic number, see: mod = getattr(h, cell_mod_name)(0.5, sec=soma) self.abstract_soma = soma self.abstract_mod = mod return soma
[docs] def get_cell_with_morphology(self, h): cell_hoc_file = self.get_hoc_files()[0] cell_template = cell_hoc_file.replace(".hoc", "") h.load_file(cell_hoc_file) cell = getattr(h, cell_template)() return cell
[docs] def sim_init(self): from neuron import h h.stdinit() h.tstop = 1000 self.current.amp = 0 = 0
[docs] def setCurrent(self, amp, delay, dur): self.current.delay = delay self.current.amp = amp self.current.dur = dur
[docs] def get_stability_range(self, testLow=-10, testHigh=15): print("Searching for UPPER boundary...") current_range, found_once = self.find_border( lowerLevel=0, upperLevel=testHigh, current_delay=self.steady_state_delay, current_duration=3, run_for_after_delay=10, test_condition=lambda t, v: False if np.max(np.abs(v)) < 150 else True, on_unstable=lambda: True, max_iterations=7, fig_file="stabilityHigh.png", skip_current_delay=False ) high_edge = min(current_range) print("Searching for LOWER boundary...") current_range, found_once = self.find_border( lowerLevel=testLow, upperLevel=0, current_delay=self.steady_state_delay, current_duration=3, run_for_after_delay=10, test_condition=lambda t, v: True if np.max(np.abs(v)) < 150 else False, on_unstable=lambda: False, max_iterations=7, fig_file="stabilityLow.png", skip_current_delay=True ) low_edge = max(current_range) return low_edge, high_edge
[docs] def getThreshold(self, minCurrent, maxI): def test_condition(t, v): num_spikes = self.getSpikeCount(v) print("Got " + str(num_spikes) + " spikes") return num_spikes > 0 current_range, found_once = self.find_border( lowerLevel=minCurrent, upperLevel=maxI, current_delay=self.steady_state_delay, current_duration=3, run_for_after_delay=50, test_condition=test_condition, max_iterations=10, fig_file="threshold.png", skip_current_delay=True ) if not found_once: raise Exception("Did not find threshold with currents " + str(current_range)) return current_range
[docs] def recompute_range(iteration,upperLevel,lowerLevel): intervals = np.arange(upperLevel,lowerLevel,cpus) return intervals
[docs] def list_process(simulate_iteration): runner = NeuronRunner(simulate_iteration) try: found = return found except NumericalInstabilityException: if on_unstable is not None: found = on_unstable() return found else: return None
[docs] def simulate_iteration(time_flag): self.time_flag = time_flag h = self.build_model() self.restore_state(state_file=state_file) self.setCurrent(amp=currentAmp, delay=current_delay, dur=current_duration) print("Trying " + str(currentAmp) + " nA...") if not test_early: t, v = self.runFor(run_for_after_delay) found = test_condition(t, v) else: t, v = self.runFor(run_for_after_delay, test_condition) found = test_condition(t, v) plt.plot(t, v, label=str(round(currentAmp, 4)) + ", Found: " + str(found)) plt.legend(loc='upper left') plt.savefig(str(iteration) + " " + fig_file) print("FOUND" if found else "NOT FOUND") return found
[docs] def find_border(self, lowerLevel, upperLevel, current_delay, current_duration, run_for_after_delay, test_condition, max_iterations, fig_file, skip_current_delay=False, on_unstable=None, test_early=False): state_file = 'border_state.bin' if not skip_current_delay: def reach_resting_state(time_flag): self.time_flag = time_flag self.build_model() print("Simulating till current onset...") self.sim_init() self.setCurrent(amp=0, delay=current_delay, dur=current_duration) self.runFor(current_delay) self.save_state(state_file=state_file) print("Resting state reached. State saved.") runner = NeuronRunner(reach_resting_state) result = iterate = True iteration = 0 found_once = False upperLevel_start = upperLevel lowerLevel_start = lowerLevel first_interval = np.arange(lowerLevel_start,upperLevel_start,cpus) scattered_iterable = db.from_sequence(first_interval,npartitions=cpus) gathered_list = while iterate: scattered_iterable = db.from_sequence(intervals,npartitions=cpus) gathered_list = for g in gathered_list: if g == True: break intervals = recompute_range(iteration,upperLevel,lowerLevel) if found: upperLevel = currentAmp found_once = True else: lowerLevel = currentAmp iteration = iteration + 1 if iteration >= max_iterations or lowerLevel == upperLevel_start or upperLevel == lowerLevel_start: iterate = False current_range = (lowerLevel, upperLevel) return current_range, found_once
[docs] def getRheobase(self, minCurrent, maxI): def test_condition(t, v): return self.getSpikeCount(v) > 0 current_range, found_once = self.find_border( lowerLevel=minCurrent, upperLevel=maxI, current_delay=self.steady_state_delay, current_duration=1000, run_for_after_delay=500, test_condition=test_condition, test_early=True, max_iterations=10, fig_file="rheobase.png", skip_current_delay=True ) if not found_once: raise Exception("Did not find rheobase with currents " + str(current_range)) return current_range
[docs] def getBiasCurrent(self, targetV): def bias_protocol(flag): self.time_flag = flag self.build_model() self.sim_init() = targetV = 10000 t, v = self.runFor(1000) i = self.vc_i_collector.get_values_np() crossings = self.getSpikeCount(i, threshold=0) if crossings > 2: print( "No bias current exists for steady state at " + str( targetV) + " mV membrane potential (only spikes)") result = None else: result = = 0 plt.clf() plt.plot(t[np.where(t > 50)], i[np.where(t > 50)], label="Bias Current for " + str(targetV) + "mV = " + str(result)) plt.legend(loc='upper left') plt.savefig("biasCurrent" + str(targetV) + ".png") return result runner = NeuronRunner(bias_protocol) return
[docs] def getRestingV(self, run_time, save_resting_state=False): def rest_protocol(flag): self.time_flag = flag self.build_model() self.sim_init() with RunTimer() as timer: t, v = self.runFor(run_time) result = { "t": t.tolist(), "v": v.tolist(), "i": self.ic_i_collector.get_values_list(), "run_time": timer.get_run_time(), "steps": int(self.tvec.size()), "cvode_active": int(self.config.cvode_active), "dt_or_atol": self.config.abs_tolerance if self.config.cvode_active else self.config.dt } crossings = self.getSpikeCount(v) if crossings > 1: print("No rest - cell produces multiple spikes without stimulation.") result["rest"] = None else: result["rest"] = v[-1] if save_resting_state: self.save_state() return result runner = NeuronRunner(rest_protocol) runner.DONTKILL = True result = return result
[docs] def get_structural_metrics(self): def run_struct_analysis(): h = self.build_model(restore_tolerances=False) result = {} if self.is_abstract_cell(): result["section_count"] = 1 result["compartment_count"] = 1 else: result["section_count"] = len([sec for sec in h.allsec()]) result["compartment_count"] = self.get_number_of_compartments(h) return result runner = NeuronRunner(run_struct_analysis, kill_slow_sims=False) metrics = return metrics
[docs] def save_structural_metrics(self): metrics = self.get_structural_metrics() self.cell_record.Sections = metrics["section_count"] self.cell_record.Compartments = metrics["compartment_count"]
[docs] def get_id_from_nml_file(self, nml): return'<.*cell.*?id.*?=.*?"(.*?)"', nml, re.IGNORECASE).groups(1)[0]
[docs] def get_tv(self): from neuron import h v_np = self.v_collector.get_values_np() t_np = self.t_collector.get_values_np() if np.isnan(v_np).any(): raise NumericalInstabilityException( "Simulation is numericaly unstable with dt of " + str(h.dt) + " ms") return (t_np, v_np)
[docs] def use_optimal_dt_if_available(self): if (self.cell_record.CVODE_Active is None or self.cell_record.CVODE_Active == 0) and self.model_record.Optimal_DT is not None: print("Using optimal DT " + str(self.model_record.Optimal_DT)) self.config.cvode_active = 0 self.config.dt = self.model_record.Optimal_DT